View Full Version : Sometimes you just can't win

Nick Flowers
October 3rd, 2008, 08:09 AM
So the producer made the right decision and booked a small sound stage at Pinewood Studios to shoot a load of talking heads. Amazing, yet true. We arrive and find that the 'sound stage' is a converted back projection tunnel which, although treated to be free of reverb, admits the sound of passing vehicles, aeroplanes and the cheerful whistling of workmen outside through the main doors. At the other end is a fire door which communicates with an office suite, from which regular door slamming is clearly audible. So we are worse off than being in some office blocks.

The producer is incandescent with wrath and demands a refund from the studio...but we just have to get on with it. That such a place can be hired out as a sound stage is an indicator of just how ignorant and dismissive even 'professional' management is of sound needs.

OK I'm feeling better now.

Gary Nattrass
October 3rd, 2008, 08:26 AM
And these FILM guys are supposed to know what its all about!!!

Maybe they thought that you could sort it out in post with ADR???

Richard Alvarez
October 3rd, 2008, 08:38 AM
Sad story. Either somebody screwed up, and gave you a small insert stage, or somebody was just an A-hole and decided to try a fast one.