James Brill
October 3rd, 2008, 12:21 AM
MacNN | Mac Pro accused of creating toxic fumes [u] (http://www.macnn.com/articles/08/09/29/mac.pro.toxic.u/)
This may be off topic but it definitely shook me up today considering I'm around mac pros almost 24 hours a day like I'm sure most of you are as well. I have noticed the smell on every mac pro I've ever been around but it has been the same case since the G5's so wouldn't this of happened earlier? You would think a computer such as this would be around scientist or at least people who are professionals at what they do and complaints would of been made and heard earlier.
This may be off topic but it definitely shook me up today considering I'm around mac pros almost 24 hours a day like I'm sure most of you are as well. I have noticed the smell on every mac pro I've ever been around but it has been the same case since the G5's so wouldn't this of happened earlier? You would think a computer such as this would be around scientist or at least people who are professionals at what they do and complaints would of been made and heard earlier.