View Full Version : Lets start a scene file thread

Jeff Kellam
September 29th, 2008, 12:55 PM
I hope a scene file thread will get started soon so we can share presets. Im hoping to accomplish the over-saturated look of the Canon Vivid-RGB preset. I have not had time to look into presets at all yet, but hopefully they are very adjustable and this is possible.

Hopefully Chris will also set up a camera clips folder in a new HMC150 discussion topic.

Chris Hurd
October 1st, 2008, 07:39 AM
(Jeff, I copied your post and split it out of another thread).

I can set up an example clips sub-forum once we have a few existing threads to move into it (in general I don't start empty boards). So once we've got a few video clips posted here, I'll be happy to set up the sub-forum and move those threads into it...

Re: scene files, I just need to know what the file extension is so I can add it to the list of allowed attachments that can be uploaded to the forum. That's the only thing that needs to happen in order to get a scene file thread going.

Jeff Kellam
November 22nd, 2008, 06:43 PM
This is the Panasonic factory information describing the 6 factory set up scene file settings. The original PDF file is also attached.

Paul Digges
February 27th, 2010, 11:21 AM
I'd be interested in getting some scene files here for the HMC40 as well.

Anindya Mukherjee
April 6th, 2010, 02:52 AM
Maybe people can post their scene file usage preferences as well (for the factory settings to start with).

Chris Harding
June 25th, 2011, 06:20 AM
Hi Guys

Haven't seen much activity here at all!! Does this mean that there are no HMC40/80 users that are using scene files at all????

I would have thought at the very least your cameras would be using Scene 1 tweaked nicely for outdoor work and then Scene 2 tweaked to take advantage of low light operation.

It seems to help low light operation a lot if you drop detail to around -3 and push the detail core way up to +6 or 7. Setting gamma to bpress for low light inside work also seems to make a nice difference.

For outdoor shoots I'm a bit of a colour fanatic so I tend to lift the Chroma Level up a few notches and you can also push both detail settings up a tad!!

Anyone care to share Scene Files they have modified for either the HMC40 or 80 as they have much the same DNA!!
