View Full Version : any certifications or licenses in videography?

Stephen J. Williams
September 28th, 2008, 07:54 PM
I just had a potential client ask me this via email. So far I have only done jobs for friends or couples referred to by my friends. Whats this mean, i'm small time. Shooting with a DVX100B and editing with FCP. Obviously I don't have a certificate nor a college degree in video production. How can i get around this. I plan on telling them the truth.
I dont have much business heading my way so i would hate to lose someone for this reason.

Also, since i've never dealt with complete strangers... should i set up a contract? Is there a link to one already made up?


Marshall Levy
September 28th, 2008, 09:54 PM
To do things the RIGHT way, you should have a tax ID license, FEIN, business registration / license, legalized contract, business plan, insurance, and so much more. Just because you dont have a background in video doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing....if you wanted to join a group to make a client happy, you have Weva and many local associations. There is A LOT more to all of this and you should start building a legitimate business. Be honest with people, always helps.

Kevin Shaw
September 28th, 2008, 10:34 PM
WEVA MPV Program (

But in general most couples will be more interested in the quality of your work, your personality and professionalism and your price than whether you have any particular certification. Do good work at a fair price with good customer service and that should satisfy most people.

Danny O'Neill
September 29th, 2008, 04:16 AM
But in general most couples will be more interested in the quality of your work, your personality and professionalism and your price than whether you have any particular certification. Do good work at a fair price with good customer service and that should satisfy most people.

Here here!

In the UK we have a few organizations and they dont mean the work is any good. Infact everyday I see someone who is a certified member of these groups and I personally feel the work is typical of wedding videographers and what we are trying to move away from. But you have to pay money to join so why would they turn you away, there a business.

People either like your work and style or they dont. No one has asked to see our qualifications and I dont feel by having them will result in increased bookings.

Besides, I think were banned from one of them ;)

Rick Steele
September 29th, 2008, 07:38 AM
I just had a potential client ask me this via email. Obviously I don't have a certificate nor a college degree in video production.SteveYou are the latest victim of some silly crap they read in a bridal magazine regarding, "questions to ask" your vendor. Tell the bride you're just going to shoot her wedding - not remove her appendix.

Chris Davis
September 29th, 2008, 07:53 AM
To do things the RIGHT way, you should have a tax ID license, FEIN, business registration / license, legalized contract, business plan, insurance, and so much more.

For a sole proprietor in most locales in the United States, there is no legal requirement for a tax ID, FEIN or any type of registration or license. There may or may not be depending on your state and city. When I started I required none of that. Now that I have employees, it's a different story.

I'm just saying that the blanket statement "this is the right way" is wrong.

Chris Hurd
September 29th, 2008, 10:01 AM
The only license or certification you really need is an impressive demo reel.

If you don't have one of those, shoot a few freebies and build from there.

I'm just saying that the blanket statement "this is the right way" is wrong.Bingo! Absolutely 100% correct. Thanks very much for stating it so succinctly.

Richard Alvarez
September 29th, 2008, 11:03 AM
"I prefer to let my work speak for itself" - is the usual answer in that situation. As Chris says - if you can show a great worksample, you're in. To get a great worksample, build your connections and shoot for footage to start.

Stephen J. Williams
September 29th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Thanks guys for all of the advice. I love this forum board because it's members truly set the bar for wedding video's. I've seen a lot on the internet where the prices dont match the quality. I'm hoping to be at most of ya'lls level one day.
I agree that it sounded like she read some "bull" out of a wedding magazine. I told her the truth and offered to do a save the date shoot for free, after which she can decide if i'm the right videographer for her. It's a win win, she would get a video and i would finally be able to do one.