View Full Version : Problem Capturing using FCE

Pauline Lubens
September 25th, 2008, 08:14 PM
I just captured some video shot at 60i and instead of capturing each clip separately, it capture everything as one long clip. Why?

Bill Pryor
September 25th, 2008, 10:48 PM
I don't know if FCE has DV scene detect like FCP. Check to see if it does and if it's turned on. Then it will display all the clips in your browser (even though it's really all one clip when loaded).

Pauline Lubens
September 26th, 2008, 10:48 PM
FCE has a "DV Start/stop Detect" but as the name implies that only works with DV footage and not HD. Any other ideas. Is there a setting on the camera I"ve failed to change?

Shahryar Rizvi
September 27th, 2008, 07:25 AM
I'd like to know the solution to this problem too. I recently got an XH-A1 and plan on finally starting to use the Final Cut Express 3.5 that's sitting on my computer (It was only $99 extra w/ my wife's 15" MBP a year and a half ago so I said "why not?" and bought it).

Up until now, I've really just used iMovie HD 6 when working with my Sony HC1 and I know there's a check box somewhere in there which asks if you want to automatically break up clips or not. Is there nothing like that in FCE?

September 28th, 2008, 06:18 AM
It's not a setting on the camera, no. I don't think there is a solution for HD in FCP/E, you can only use the Start/stop with DV.

The only way I can make sense of it is if they thought that people who use FCP and film in HD are likely to be using it for professional work and would probably prefer to log their own clips instead of having it done automatically... The option would be nice.

Bill Pryor
September 28th, 2008, 11:19 AM
I'm more cynical. I think they disabled it so people who shoot HD and want individual clip references would have to spend the money for FCP. Probably the same reason they don't allow FCE to capture in 24F.

Shahryar Rizvi
September 28th, 2008, 07:03 PM
I'm more cynical. I think they disabled it so people who shoot HD and want individual clip references would have to spend the money for FCP. Probably the same reason they don't allow FCE to capture in 24F.

FCE doesn't capture 24F? damn, I wasn't planning on upgrading to FCP / FCS anytime soon. I wanted to learn through FCE first.

Bill Pryor
September 28th, 2008, 08:03 PM
As long as you don't shoot 24F, you can learn on FCE. I have a friend who's going to get a MacBook Pro and FCE so he can do his first cut, then bring me the project and media files and I'll post it in FCP. We went to the Apple store and I checked FCE out to see if it would do all he wanted, and the lack of 24f is one of the things I discovered. Another, apparently, is that you can't use the DV scene detection mode in HDV. Other than that, it seems to function pretty much like FCP. It even has some color correction and basic titling. For 200 bucks, you really can't complain about it. It should be fine for learning, and the interface looks pretty much like FCP, so moving up would be easy. However, I do like the look of my 24F footage from the XH A1. It would be disappointing to not have that capability.

Olivier Depaep
September 29th, 2008, 02:27 AM

You need to set a logging bin in FCE to capture your hdv footage, I used the Apple Intermediate Codes and then capture all. FCE will create individual clips (each individual clips ends when your camera stopped recording, and a new clip starts when you started recording something else) . Well, at least it worked when I used FCE.

Hope this helps.
