View Full Version : Problems with Letus Extreme?

Jeremy Nemeth
September 24th, 2008, 04:40 PM
Hey All,

I think I have a possible problem with my Letus. I have used it a handfull of times with my G1 and new tripod setup. But, it seems as even though I have followed the correct setup instructions from Letus, it still doesnt seem or look right.

I'm just not fully happy with the results.


1. I can still see alot of the grain from the grounding glass. I makes the picture look not-so-high-def. (Used it today in on 0db gain, didn't look all that great)

2. There seems to be some lag while filming. When panning and tilting, I'll have a nice smooth, constant speed going and it seems to fall behind and then jerk lightly, just enough to disturb the whole shot.

3. If I have everything locked down for a still shot (i.e. a parked car) the picture seems to move around the screen. Almost as if the vibration from the Letus is causing the whole thing to move. Not sure though.

So, do I have a bad Letus? Did I miss something else upon setup? Maybe bad lenses? Am I just not up to speed on proper use of a Letus and a tripod?

I'm not sure, but when I pull off the letus, all the shots are fine, no movement when locked down, no lag no jerking, nothing...

Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.
I'll try to get some footage posted of the issues...

The Setup:

Manfrotto 503HDV w/ 351MVB2K Tripod
Letus Extreme w/ Nikon adapter
Nikon Lenses - 50mm f/1.8, 28mm f/2.8, 70-210mm f/3.5

Thanks Again...

Chris Barcellos
September 24th, 2008, 04:53 PM
My first question is, do you have optical stabilization on that camera, and is it turned on ?

If it is, I recommend you turn it off.

Second, make sure the adpater is not loose at the joint of the flip unit, and the image unit.

Third, is it possible (can you hear? ) the prism floating around inside the flip unit ?

Fourth, are you sure you are getting critical focus on the focus screen at the camera's focus unit. If you are zoomed in to far, you may not be able to critically focus. Excessive zoom could also account for grain showing up.

Fifth, when you switch on the vibrating motor, do you see a difference in the screen. In other words, is it actually moving with the vibrating motor going.

Brandon Freeman
September 24th, 2008, 04:55 PM
The last two problems sound like you have image stabilization turned on (on the camera). That will give you troubles.

The first problem can result from a number of issues -- make sure your photo lens is open above f5.4. Also, make sure your batteries are fresh.

Jeremy Nemeth
September 25th, 2008, 02:48 PM
Thanks all for the quick response!

I did have the Image Stablization turned on, I totally forgot about that. I feel dumb now... That has seemed to have corrected the problem. I have made sure that the Letus and all of the attachments were tightened. So, I think I'm good now.

Now, I think I just need to get some newer lenses. The ones I got were from a pawn shop, looked decent for the price as tester lenses. I need to get some serious lenses now...

Thanks again!!