View Full Version : Insuring a PD-150

Justin Strock
August 18th, 2003, 03:38 PM
Howdy y'all,

Been a long time.

Anyway, just graduated art school with a BFA in Film/Video. I bit the bullet and got a PD-150 back in March and it's done me well. Right now I'm lending it to my friend for his final project before he graduates himself. I trust him, but you never know what can happen so I'm looking for some insurance for the camera.

I'm still investigating the idea of getting it covered under renter's insurance, but I assume that won't cover mishaps when I'm using it in the field, either professionally or otherwise.

Any independent videographers have some advice? It's not production insurance that I want - I want the equvilant of car insurance.



Bill Pryor
August 19th, 2003, 08:06 AM
You should check with your insurance agent. I'm not up to date on this stuff, but in the past if the item was under $5000 you could cover it as a rider on your home owner's (or renter's) policy. However, by lending it to a friend, you are, in effect, putting the camera in rental stock, even though you're not getting paid for it. That might mean you would have to get a separate policy. If your insurance guy doesn't give you any info, check with local rental houses in your area and find out who they use for insurance.