View Full Version : Adobe Premiere Capture Question with XH A1

Jake McGlothlin
September 23rd, 2008, 02:45 PM
I am currently using Adobe Premiere Elements to edit the footage I shoot with my XH A1. When I capture the video in the program, it seems really choppy. I made a DVD with a short clip I had shot earlier, and it was terrible! The video was shaky, choppy and blurry.

I know that the video on the camera is okay, so my question is this: where did the problem occur? Is it some issue with the capture program? Or is it Premiere Elements not being able to handle to workload, or my processor not be able to handle it? Thanks for the help.

Tripp Woelfel
September 23rd, 2008, 02:58 PM
Could be a couple of things. The most likely seems to be a preset problem. Make sure that you're using a project preset that matches what you shot. I use Premier Pro so I don't know what's available in Elements.

I also don't recollect whether Elements supports HDV or not, but I think it does.

You could also have a severely fragmented hard drive. Make sure that it's defragmented.

You didn't specify the specs on your system. Make sure that they conform to the minimum requirements called for by Adobe. From all I know, they're pretty accurate.

Jake McGlothlin
September 24th, 2008, 09:08 PM
I fixed the issue. First, I defragged my hard drive, which helped. And I have been shooting footage in SD, which has solved a lot of my problems.