Hugh Mobley
September 20th, 2008, 11:55 AM
I looked all over camera, and book and cannot find where I see the data info, when I play back, on the tape that I shot. I know th Z1 has it but does the V1 have it and how can I see it.
View Full Version : Data info Hugh Mobley September 20th, 2008, 11:55 AM I looked all over camera, and book and cannot find where I see the data info, when I play back, on the tape that I shot. I know th Z1 has it but does the V1 have it and how can I see it. Adam Gold September 20th, 2008, 06:10 PM DISPLAY SET > DATA CODE > Off/Date/Camera Data Page 73-74 of V1U manual. Hugh Mobley September 20th, 2008, 07:20 PM guess I didn't make myself clear, yes I have that, a friend of mine had one of my tapes and in his Z1 it would show exactly what I was shooting at from the data on the tape and show it on his Z1, I don't think theV1 can show that or can it. I am sure the shooting data is in the tape and I am trying to access it w/o a deck Greg Laves September 20th, 2008, 08:18 PM Hugh, I guess I don't understand. What data is it that you are looking for that the Z1 shows. Adam Gold September 21st, 2008, 12:27 AM ... in his Z1 it would show exactly what I was shooting at from the data on the tape and show it on his Z1, I don't think theV1 can show that or can it. It should show the data exactly the same. But the shutter speed is likely to be incorrectly reported if you shoot on the Z1 but play back on the V1. As long as you play back on the same cam you shot with it should be fine. So I guess I don't understand what you mean either. What are you seeing when playing back on the V1 and which data is missing that you wish to see, that you saw on the Z1? Hugh Mobley September 21st, 2008, 08:03 AM OK I shot some tape on my V1 and captured it, etc. My friend, who we shoot together on projects, took my tape, the one shot on the V1 and he captured on his computer to edit also, however he had to use his Z1 to capture tape to computer. On his Z1 he has a data button which shows what each clip was shot at, etc. like the data when I shoot with Canon rebel I can get all the details of that shot. On his Z1 he can see what I shot each clip at, specifically I was shooting auto at times and he indicated that on certain shots the shutter speed was at 30, and why wasn't it at 60. On my lcd I have that info while I'm shooting but if I want to see what the tape says is there a way to see it. I don't see it in Vegas either, properties yes, data shot, no. So the shutter speed is showing differently when played on Z1 coming from V1, because I am sure the shutter speed never went down to 30. thanks Greg Laves September 21st, 2008, 10:45 AM When you are playing the tape on your V1 you can see a lot of information. Auto/manual focus, iris, shutter speed, gain, WB setting, steady shot on/off, macro off and probably some other things I cant think of. Go into the "Display set" section of the menu and select "Data Code" and then turn data code on. You should be able to see it all. Hugh Mobley September 21st, 2008, 01:02 PM Dumb me!, never went into menu on the vcr side but there it is, thanks |