View Full Version : Any screenwriters out there?

Marco Leavitt
August 17th, 2003, 11:01 AM
I don't know if this is the proper place to post this query, but it seems like the closest forum in here. Anyway, I'm looking for people who would want to exchange and critique each other's scripts. It would be great if we could get a group of five or six people together. Maybe critique about one script a month. I'm looking for people to exchange complete scripts with, not works in progress. Obviously, this is going to entail a certain amount of trust, which is why I'm posting in here, as opposed to other sites that cater specifically to screenwriters. I like the fact that anonymity isn't tolerated in here and this site is so well moderated.

K. Forman
August 17th, 2003, 11:12 AM
I wouldn't say I'm a screenwriter, but like many others, I have some stories I would like to tell. I have just finished my first sceenplay, aside from one short.

I am horrible at formatting and such, but working at it anyways. As soon as I can get all my ducks in a row, I want to start shooting it. Because I'm very new to writing, I think it might be in my interest to work with other writers. Let me know how it goes.

Marco Leavitt
August 17th, 2003, 11:27 AM
The Zoetrope site has an excellent explanation on formatting. Simplest, best, I've found. You'll have to register.

K. Forman
August 17th, 2003, 01:11 PM
Thanks Marco- I'll check it out.

Keith Loh
August 17th, 2003, 08:46 PM
Email me. I'm about to embark on an ambitious "3 scripts this year" campaign.

Don Parrish
September 12th, 2003, 03:23 PM
Haven't had time to research it but some affordable software is coming available to assist in writing screenplays. I haven't had time to look into this so it may or may not be helpful.

Rob Lohman
October 5th, 2003, 05:06 AM

It seems there aren't that many screenwriters on this site.
Would be nice if there were more discussions on that topic...

I can't say I'm a screenwriter myself, sorry!

Chet Hardin
October 5th, 2003, 08:11 AM
Hey Marco -

I see you live in Albany. I live over in Troy. Here in Troy, the Upstate Independents run a monthly get-together of area video shooters and film makers. I try to make it to this when I can. I believe the meetings are the first Tuesday of the month. At the Arts Center on River street and they start at 6:30.
DO you already know this? Should I go on?

Anyway, they also have a screen writers hub-bub session. That is hosted at the Borders on Wolf road, in Colonie. Even though I write screen plays, I have never been to the Borders meetings. Also, they do this thing called 'Movies Without Pictures.' This is a contest in which screenplays are picked through and one is decided upon and read (you know, with actors sitting on stools on a stage, playing the parts) at the Linda Norris.

Like I said, I am a writer and am working on a two by four sized thorn of a script right now. When I am done, I would like to hand it off to people to read. I would read anything you've written.

later, chet.

Federico Dib
October 5th, 2003, 08:17 AM
I write scripts.. I mean.. Iīve written a dozen short stories.. and two feature.. only 6 short stories have been produced on DV... and most of them very crappy... and for me not worth showing.. But I know a few of those were good scripts...

Thatīs why I bought my camera.. and decided to shot my own stories... and thatīs how I ended up here on DVinfo.

But I write them in Spanish.. and at the present time have no time or intention to translate them.. thatīs why I canīt help much here..

Except to say that I used a Word template calles "Screenstyler" or something like that.. it was freeware.. and very good and time saving.. all automatic, etc..

Although if I start writting in English I sure think this will be a good place to find trustworthy, and geniune critiques and reviews..

Keith Loh
October 5th, 2003, 09:49 AM
I made up my own Word template, too. :)

Marco Leavitt
October 5th, 2003, 10:49 AM
Nice to finally see someone local in here. I thought I was the only one. I've been meaning to check out the Borders sessions forever, and something always seems to come up. Same with Upstate Independents. Do you know how to submit a script to Movies Without Pictures? I was aware of the readings, but I've never been able to find instructions on how to submit. The Upstate Independents Web site has been out of commission for some time. By all means, I would love to read your script when you finish it. If you ever shoot anything and need crew members, let me know. Maybe I could help.

Richard Alvarez
October 5th, 2003, 11:06 AM
A bit of a caveat on "Screenplay performances"... or movies without pictures.

I've attended a few, and had mine selected for readings. They are a good thing, IF you understand their limitations, and the audience understands them as well.

For instance, most "Big budget" and effects movies, or pierod pieces that rely on scenic locales... will not "Play well" in a reading. It's one thing to have a producer or director visualize your script, it's another to expect an un-initiated audience to understand the formats limitations.

For this reason, most of the screenplays that work well as readings, are those that work well as "Plays". In other words, those scripts that are character driven and dialogue heavy. Even though screenplays are written in master shots, if written well, they have specific shots "hidden" in their descriptive stylings.

"John watches Mary walk away. Slowly, his hand opens and he stares at the tarnished ring." - screams for an insert closeup of the ring. This is a powerful visual moment in a film. Much stronger than one seen from the back of an auditorium or coffehouse. Reading the descriptive paragraph is not as strong as SEEING the image carefully composed and beutifully lit.

I found the biggest payoff to having my scripts read, to be hearing the dialogue performed by skilled actors - Being pleasantly surprised by nuances they discovered, or annoyed by ones they missed. OFten, feedback from the audience centered on problems tey had with the "staging" (Irrellevant to the film) or things they missed becuase they would be SEEN in the image.

As I say in my screenwriting groups;

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words, in screenwriting, each word must be worth a thousand pictures."

Rob Lohman
October 5th, 2003, 03:14 PM
Good solid advice there Richard, thanks!!

Joe Ryan
October 18th, 2003, 02:52 PM
I have " hollyword " screenplay formatting software, and I'm very happy with it. No bells and whistles, very simple, straightforward, and much cheaper than most of the stuff out there ( that I could find, about a year ago, anyways ), only $60 US, if you're a student, $ 80 reg. I think.