View Full Version : Some Good New Wedding Plug Ins
Alastair Brown September 19th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Take 5 mins to check out the new set of plug-ins from New Blue.
They have some seriously good plug ins that are going to be really useful to us wedding guys.
I am especially impressed with the Color-Fixer. It genuinely does add ral punch and "pop" to your clips.
The samples say way more than I could, so take 5mins to check them out.
Jason Robinson September 19th, 2008, 10:47 PM
Take 5 mins to check out the new set of plug-ins from New Blue.
They have some seriously good plug ins that are going to be really useful to us wedding guys.
I am especially impressed with the color-Fixer. It genuinely does add ral punch and "pop" to your clips.
The samples say way more than I could, so take 5mins to check them out.
Interesting. If it makes it easier to achieve a color grading aka look then I might be interested in them. and it looks like it will work with Vegas, so that is another plus.
Danny O'Neill September 20th, 2008, 01:19 PM HOw does this compare to MB looks?
Ive got that and VASST's celluloid but never without their downside. Im always trying to remove that stock 'video' look. Problem is its usually at the cost of over exposure or loosing detail.
Alastair Brown September 21st, 2008, 05:00 PM Hi Danny,
I have Looks myself and it is a hugely powerful set of tools to have at your disposal. I am however finding that the New Blue Color Fixer Plus is the first thing I am reaching for now. It in no way replaces Looks, however, it is dead simple to use, and it just works. Soon as youve done it, a before and after comparison immediately convinces you that it's made a very noticable improvement.
Danny O'Neill September 22nd, 2008, 06:48 AM I just hate the speed at which looks renders. Even simple curves only use half the computers cores so I end up trying to re-create the commonly used ones in Vegas which is why I like Celluloid.
However then have the problem of what looks great on the computer doesnt look so good on telly. colours are richer, blacks are very black and as you know everyone has their telly differently so it needs to have a more 'generic' look.
Richard Wakefield September 22nd, 2008, 08:14 AM hi all, i have now purchased this fantastic set of plugins too...
WOW! it really compliments Looks and the plugins from your NLE....exactly as described, it makes my footage 'pop', and noticeably crisper, can't wait to use it for future highlights clips....
here's one framegrab from the edit i'm on now (using 'color fixer plus', and a little bit of 'sharpen'):
i'll be posting more framegrabs or clips as soon as i can find the time
def. recommended!
Don Bloom September 22nd, 2008, 09:05 AM I got these this early AM and wouldn't you know it. I can't them activated. Paste SN and the activation button won't go live. I put in a work ticket to NewBlue I hope they answer soon, these plugins look like they're just what the doctor ordered. WHAAA! I want them to work NOW!;-)
BTW, I reinsatlled them and even the trial version doesn't work. Boohooo!
Richard Wakefield September 22nd, 2008, 09:08 AM Don: just to double-check you're activating them within your NLE? def. should work fine...hopefully NewBlueFX will sort it asap for you
Don Bloom September 22nd, 2008, 10:15 AM yep, tried to activate in Vegas - more than a few times. Uninstalled and reinstalled 4 times now and nothing. the dialouge box that comes up when placing the FX on a clip is blank. There is no activation dialouge screen at all. NewBlue did email back and suggested I try to activate thru a clip screen as I described above but I got nothing. UGH! I really want to use this on a project. I'm frustrated.
Jason Robinson September 22nd, 2008, 12:02 PM Don: just to double-check you're activating them within your NLE? def. should work fine...hopefully NewBlueFX will sort it asap for you
Any idea if these multithread correctly? The last thing I want to do is bog down previewing on my already slow poke P4HT 3GH chip with a plugin that is single threaded. Their web site doesn't say one way or the other.
Danny O'Neill September 22nd, 2008, 12:06 PM playing with the demo now and they do indeed multithread
Jason Robinson September 22nd, 2008, 12:17 PM playing with the demo now and they do indeed multithread
Excellent. I've got a lot of weddings to edit through still and if I can get the "pop" they advertise with as little steps as they say, then it might be worth it.
Peter Jefferson September 23rd, 2008, 03:50 AM Saw these the other day and thought the touch up filter was a good idea for HD video and all those paranoid brides. The rest can be easily done in most NLE's (for certain Vegas can pull these looks off with no issue) except for the TU tool.
Noel Lising September 23rd, 2008, 07:07 AM Good morning. Any clips to share using the newbluefx?
Thanks in advance.
Richard Wakefield September 26th, 2008, 08:50 AM Noel:
just finished this highlights clip (bit shakey in parts when forced to go handheld and had a really bad back!)
In terms of effects it uses half and half MB Looks and NewBlueFX Video Essentials
Wedding Highlights (Gurdeep and Harpreet) on Vimeo (
Noel Lising September 26th, 2008, 09:16 AM Thanks for sharing Richard. For $ 79 you can't go wrong with newbluefx. Great work by the way.
Edward Troxel September 26th, 2008, 09:59 AM The rest can be easily done in most NLE's (for certain Vegas can pull these looks off with no issue) except for the TU tool.
I guess it depends upon your definition of "easily". I find the Color Fixer Plus effect to be MUCH easier and faster to use and the equivalent in the NLE. Just for kicks, I did a test. See the images below.
First is the original image. I then corrected it with the Color Fixer Plus effect and finished in about 15 seconds. Very fast and easy.
I then decided to duplicate that using Vegas' Color Correction effect and got "close" to the same. But it took over 40 times longer to get there. Ease of use means a lot.
Same is true with the Pixelator effect. Easily done in Vegas duplicating the footage to another track, adding a blur effect to one of them, and add a cookie cutter effect to one of them versus simply adding a single effect.
Richard Wakefield September 26th, 2008, 10:11 AM brilliant framegrabs there Ed, hopefully v.helpful to some people
just wondering though if you have possibly made the same assumption I did (until Alastair pointed it out to me.) You've used your colour dropper to go for a mid-tone, but infact you need to click on the whitest/lightest part of the picture.
I apologise if i'm wrong by the way :)
p.s. i love the pixelator plugin, now i just want someone to do something obscene at a wedding so i can use it!
Edward Troxel September 26th, 2008, 10:22 AM With the color corrector, I did the "quickie" white balance first. I clicked on the High "complementary color" eye dropper and picked something white. I then clicked on the Low "complementary color" eye dropper and picked something black. Finally I did the same for "Mid" with something grey. However, I then needed to manually adjust them further to make it look as good as the color fixer plus version. Then gain, gamma, and saturation were adjusted (causing me to need more color wheel adjustments).
So while I'll agree that they *CAN* be done, I guess it depends on how much time you want to spend twiddling and how much time you want to spend editing.
Richard Wakefield September 26th, 2008, 10:31 AM no, sorry Ed, that's not what i meant....i was talking about the colour dropper on the NewBlueFX seems you've gone for a mid-tone, not the whitest part...but i may be wrong, it's just i made the same assumption, and got better even better results when it was corrected
Edward Troxel September 26th, 2008, 10:37 AM You are somewhat correct. I did NOT pick one of the white lights. Instead, I picked one of the light reflections on the floor. I liked the result better that way. Picking one of the papers hanging on the machine to the right gave similar results. So you are correct, I did NOT pick the whitest spot but I didn't with Vegas' color corrector either.
Alastair Brown November 4th, 2008, 01:59 PM Thought it was worth mentioning that there is a special offer on for these at the moment. Todor has also done a really cool like featurette explaining the different filters in this package.
For $59 these genuinely are a bargain. The Auto Balance as already stated by Edward above is a great time saver. I find I am using it ALL the time now. Well worth the money just for that on it's own. Take a moemnt to have a look.
Special Offer! (
Tripp Woelfel November 4th, 2008, 03:02 PM Just found this thread and in checking out this package, it looks like only about half of the filters do things that can't be done easily in Premier. This could be different for other NLEs.
It appears that they have some neat things in their other packages, but I'm still saving my money for MB Looks.
Oops... just realized there was a second page of posts.
Is that discount just for Vegas users? The button inside the link appears dead.
Winfried Dobbe November 4th, 2008, 04:29 PM The button on the special offer sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Try again after a few minutes.
And it looks like you can also buy the Mac version discounted with the same code.
Chris Amana July 15th, 2009, 01:14 AM Guys no-one mentioned the flash remover effect in one of the essential packs.
Unfortunately it doesn't fix the half-frame rolling shutter effect camera flashes cause :(
I was really excited when i saw this effect but doesn't work for me...
Dave Blackhurst July 15th, 2009, 01:19 AM Actually I tried fiddling with the demo and was able to remove SOME half frame flashes - although I noticed some temporal distortions in areas of movement. If you play with the adjustments, you can sometimes remove those RS partial frames...
Stelios Christofides July 15th, 2009, 05:15 AM WOW!!! "Flash Remover" Does this mean the end of the Rolling Shutter problem we have with the CMOS cameras?
If it does it might be worth the $80.
Dave Blackhurst July 15th, 2009, 12:53 PM I'd only describe the results as "mixed" and "promising". IOW, try their demo and see if it works where you "need" it. I believe that we will see a reliable flash remover in time that handles the partial frame issues, this plugin "helped" in "some" frames when I was testing, so it's part of the way there.
In the end I don't find the problem enough of a distraction to worry about, but I wanted to see how much improvement could be achieved in post.
Stelios Christofides July 15th, 2009, 02:53 PM Dave
I've tried the flash remover thing on one scene and then rendered it to DVD but the end results video became jumpy. Did you have this experience?
Dave Blackhurst July 15th, 2009, 11:49 PM I noticed what I'd describe as "temporal distortion" in areas of movement - no doubt because the algorithm takes prior or subsequent frames.
I suspect that's the jumpiness you noticed - and IMO it was at least as much an issue as the partial frame exposure... as I say, promising, but not quite there yet. But as a proof of concept, it shows that it should be possible.