View Full Version : Freddie vs Jason.....SUCKED!

Alex Knappenberger
August 16th, 2003, 03:43 PM
Wow, that movie sucked so bad, thats the good thing about personal opinion though, because it seems that most people in the packed full theater liked it, they even clapped, but I thought it was terrible. As usual with all feature films, it's not the matter of the quality or the professionalism of the film, but it was the story, it looked great and everything from that aspect, obviously, but the story was terrible, the story revolved around dreams (nightmares), and thats fine, but it wasn't done well, because everytime you think someone is going to get their head chopped off or whatever, they wake up and its a "dream", that got old real quick after the first 2 or 3 times it happened, basically it's another one of them "110% hollywood" movies, where it's all action and the story is basically nothing.

To be honest I never seen any of the previous Freddie or Jason movies, so that could explain somewhat why I was confused during the whole film.

Also, sadly, this is the first movie I have went to see in a theater in many many years, last time I think it was like when I was 10. The theater we went to is the nicest one around here, we sat all the way up in the back top row though, since it was the only 3 seats open. I didn't even realize how big the freakin screen is until I saw someone walking down there in front of it, and they looked like ants, so I could never imagine DV blown up to 35mm. I wish I would of went to see 28 days later, it would of been interesting to see what it looked like blown up.

Anyway, if you ask me, i'll tell you to save your money and spend it on something else, instead of wasting it on this hyped up crappy movie.

Oh yeah, what happened to the "...and now, for our feature presentation..." stuff? The start of the movie was just blended right in with a fade in, from the ending of the previews, I thought it was just another preview at first. Stupid.

Ronnie Grahn
August 16th, 2003, 05:23 PM
Well, I don't have high hopes for it, but still, I growed up watching Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm street films (thanks dad for being a horror buff). Don't know yet if I'll watch it in the cinema or on rental.

Mark Moore
August 16th, 2003, 08:39 PM
I didn't think it would be too great, but I may go see it as I enjoyed the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series. I may go to the cheaper matinee!

Thanks for the tip though!

Federico Dib
August 16th, 2003, 09:46 PM
Alex, I canīt believe you didnīt go to the movie theatre in years. (Actually I do believe you.. is just a pre-made phrase).
When I was your age thatīs when I went to the movies the most... (once a week) I just love the Big Screen, the dark and silent room.. the smell of popcorn and the annoying guy kicking the bak of my seat.

When I went to College fot the first time I stopped going as much... and one day I found out I hadnīt seen a movie in almost half a year.. thatīs when I wrote my own MOVIE COMMANDMENTS...

1.- I shall go to the movie theatre at least once a month. No matter what movie....

2.- Enjoy the good.. learn from the masters..

3.- Laugh at the bad.. learn from the disasters..

4.- I shall rent a movie at least once a week (unless going to the theatre once a week).

5.- I shall see a movie on TV at least once a day (unless going to the theatre once a day or renting once a day).

6.- I shall follow my instincts before the reviews and critics..

7.- I shall Never trust a review or critic made by a professional or a film student.

8.- I shall watch an Asian movie at least twice a year.

9.- I shall watch an old movie at least once a year...

10.- If I could go back in time or live my life again I shall not spend money on Film school... better spend it watching all the movies I can... and when in doubt buy a book and read...

Oh... and about Freddy and Jason... well I have to see that (been a fan since I watched the First Friday the thirteen and had nightmares for a few months)...

I even saw Jason X.. which for a moment I thought It was the worst movie Iīve ever seen... So Iīll have to see if Jason Vs Freddy can do worst... Iīll just wait and rent it...

Marco Leavitt
August 17th, 2003, 10:32 AM
Interesting. I just saw "28 Days Later" yesterday, and when it was over decided to check out "Freddy" -- Wes Craven didn't get any money from me, if you catch my drift. After the zombie movie, "Freddy" wasn't even mildly scary. I thought "28 Days" looked fantastic. From the back of the theater it looked fairly sharp and from the front is was definitely soft and over saturated, but not pixelated at all. Some compression artifacts were visible, but all in all, not that bad. I guess this is as good as mini-DV is ever going to look on the big screen. When I walked into "Freddy," the difference in sharpness was astounding. Still, even though the picture was sharper, and the blood was redder in "Freddy," it just wasn't as effective. As the cliche goes, "it's not the tools..."

Joe Carney
August 19th, 2003, 04:46 PM
The first Nightmare on Elm St is a horror classic. When it was originally released, it was a national phenomenom. Freddy Krueger even made the cover of one of the national magazines (I can't remember Life or Time). People hadn't been that scared in a long time.
Alex you should get this one on DVD before you see any of the others in the series. The problem, like all great films, is that the idea has been ripped off and copied so many times you might not be as impressed as those of us who saw it for the first time.

Original Idea
Well written screenplay
Good to great acting
Excellent Cinematography
Excellent sound
Excellent Editing

Robert Knecht Schmidt
August 19th, 2003, 05:07 PM
And Joe, don't forget great special effects, almost none of which involve trick photography.

The original Nightmare had one other advantage--it marked Johnny Depp's debut.

The Freddy makeup hasn't looked as good since that first movie back in 1984. (Incidentally, Freddy was named for a childhood bully who terrorized writer/director Wes Craven when he was growing up in Cleveland.)

Roger Rosales
August 19th, 2003, 07:21 PM
I thought the movie was great and is definatly one of the best "horror" films to come out in recent years, and I"m not talking underground movies either!

I thought the imagery for the nightmare scenes were simply jawdropping and the special effects were great, except for some scenes where it looked like too much. Those parts seemed very forced and fake. Overall, I thought the movie was great.

Dylan Couper
August 19th, 2003, 07:28 PM
Nightmare on Elm St. did to sleep what Jaws did to swimming. Remind me to put Craven just under Speilberg in my "people to kick in the nuts for ruinining something for me" list....

Glen Elliott
August 19th, 2003, 07:45 PM
I saw it and LOVED it! Granted I didn't go to see any academy award performances- I went to enjoy a fun and entertaining movie which it delivered two-fold. I've long been a fan of horror movies, when I was a kid I was a horror fanatic...even collecting Fangoria magazine. I grew up watching Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elmstreet movies. They haven't made a good slasher horror flick in a long while and this is the best I can remember in recent history. It has great suspence and is absolutely hillarious to bring a girl to go see. Girls are the best to see horror movies with...if, that is, you can drag them out to see it. My gf refused to watch it...and subsequently refuses to watch the upcomming Texas Chainsaw Massacure. She's petrified of horror movies. lol

Speaking of movie watching I guess I'm a fanatic- I see a movie in the theater ever week practically!

Steve Franco
August 22nd, 2003, 07:16 AM
Out of all the Elm Streets I thought Dream Warriors was the most fun. The first one obviously set the whole thing in motion so I'm a big fan of that one too. I don't really have high hopes for Freddy vs. Jason. It just seems like a great way to cash in on both franchises.

Nori Wentworth
August 22nd, 2003, 03:08 PM
Saw it last night. Better than I thought it was going to be. There were a lot of shots with soft focus. Everyone I wanted to die, died.