View Full Version : What's going on in Louisiana

Ethan Cooper
September 17th, 2008, 04:33 PM
Hey guys, we've been going through some stuff down this way. First we evacated for Gustav, couldn't come home for a week and were without power for a while when we did return. Then Ike passed well to our south but had huge flooding impacts down here. It's the story that the major networks missed. I made a little video about my experience with Ike. Take a look and if you feel the need, give your congressman/senator a call and let them know that we need some coastal protection down here in South Louisiana.

Ike in my front yard on Vimeo (

Mark Williams
September 17th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Nice piece. Part of my park ranger team will be heading to LA and TX next week to supervise debris removal. When they get back after 30 days the rest of us will deploy. The word is, response efforts may go on from 6 months to 1 year. We are all excited to get on the ground and get busy.

Miraj A. Berry
September 17th, 2008, 05:03 PM
Wow, Ethan. That was really an incredible film. The music was eerily touching. Perfect.

I hope you guys are drying out. Chin up!

Dawn Brennan
September 17th, 2008, 06:39 PM
Oh wow... unbelievable. Nice video... bad circumstance, but touching none the less. Hope you guys get the help you need, and quickly. Take care down there!

Shaun Conner
September 17th, 2008, 06:41 PM
Hey guys, we've been going through some stuff down this way. First we evacated for Gustav, couldn't come home for a week and were without power for a while when we did return. Then Ike passed well to our south but had huge flooding impacts down here. It's the story that the major networks missed. I made a little video about my experience with Ike. Take a look and if you feel the need, give your congressman/senator a call and let them know that we need some coastal protection down here in South Louisiana.

Ike in my front yard on Vimeo (

That is a great piece. I always knew Houma was pretty low. Didn't know you guys were affected by Ike. I'm just getting used to my electricity being back on from Gustav.

Greg Boston
September 17th, 2008, 07:08 PM
Hey guys, we've been going through some stuff down this way. First we evacated for Gustav, couldn't come home for a week and were without power for a while when we did return.

Ethan, i was down there shooting the aftermath in Baton Rouge and one day in Houma. I can't share my video because I don't have the rights to it. I came into town from Highway 90 and saw some pretty bad stuff.

I hope that you guys get a chance to get everything back to normal asap.

Best of luck down there,


Ethan Cooper
September 17th, 2008, 10:39 PM
Thanks for the responses guys. We came out ok, but those south of us did not fair as well. Terrebonne Parish seems to be the forgotten story from Ike, hopefully this will help get the word out. I only wish I could have gotten into the badly flooded areas, we were 30 miles from the gulf, there's a lot of people who live much lower than that.

My wife and I are heading to France for a week to shoot a wedding and play tourist, when we get back maybe we can mail some DVD's out to congressmen and senators. Maybe one of them will need a wedding video too. (trying to make this work for the forum).

Take care guys, watch for falling stock markets and rising waters.

Travis Cossel
September 18th, 2008, 12:31 AM
First of all, the coloring in the video could use some work ....

Okay, totally just kidding around. I'm glad to hear you guys are okay and that the water didn't get any higher. The video did a great job of making me feel a bit of what you must have felt watching the water get higher and higher. Stay safe and enjoy France!

Matthew Ebenezer
September 18th, 2008, 01:36 AM
Hey Ethan,

Powerful video, thanks so much for sharing it.

Don't worry too much about the thread getting moved. I just re-read the title of this section:

"Wedding / Event Videography Techniques Shooting non-repeatable events" - Here's hoping that history doesn't repeat.



Chad Dyle
September 18th, 2008, 07:11 AM

Great work. It looks like we were able to dodge some bullets for a couple of years at least. The only problems we had from Gustav were power and some minor wind damage. I remember leaving the house and having some of the same feelings of when we came home after Katrina. Its a feeling I hope I don't have to experience many more times in my life, but I know that I will.
I hope you and your wife have a great time in France. Let me know the next time you head to N.O. and I'll take you out to lunch!


Terry Taravella
September 18th, 2008, 10:41 AM
Ethan I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Watching that video makes my stomach hurt bringing back memories of Katrina.

If Dubai can build their own islands to house million dollar beach homes, why can't the US government build up the Louisiana coastline. Did you know that the dredging equipment that is used to build the islands in Dubai ( are constructed in Louisiana? Very sad.

Maybe our next president will take the wealth that is supporting the Iraqi government and help rebuild the gulf coast wetlands. Not just to maintain life in that area but to support the production of oil and gas, wildlife and fisheries and the port of New Orleans that is silently important to the rest of the country.

I hope it doesn't take too much time for you to recover from this. Sending good thoughts your way for you and your family.

Travis Cossel
September 18th, 2008, 12:59 PM
If Dubai can build their own islands to house million dollar beach homes, why can't the US government build up the Louisiana coastline.

Shouldn't that be more of a state responsibility?

Terry Taravella
September 18th, 2008, 10:00 PM
Hello Travis,

In 2013 Louisiana should start receiving it's fair share of the gas and oil royalties from the rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully, between now and then we won't get hammered by any hurricanes that will do more damage.

Hoping the government keeps their word and the money moves quickly and that the Louisiana politicians do the right thing and begin restoring the coastline in a timely and efficient manner.

Crossing fingers because I really don't want to move. I love this place.

Ethan Cooper
September 29th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Hey Ethan,

Powerful video, thanks so much for sharing it.

Don't worry too much about the thread getting moved. I just re-read the title of this section:

"Wedding / Event Videography Techniques Shooting non-repeatable events" - Here's hoping that history doesn't repeat.



Matthew - clever, very clever. Oh, and I'm about to steal your coldplay song to make a little teaser of my own. Have more stuff I can look at so I can borrow a few good song choices?

Chad - good hearing from you man. I'm so far behind on work these days cause of the storms and having a gift for wasting time that I don't think I'll leave the house for another few months... so lunch in January sound good to you?

Terry - you seem well informed about the politics of the situation down here. Glad you guys were spared this year.

Chad Dyle
September 29th, 2008, 02:35 PM

The Apple Store in the Lakeside Mall just opened up! What better excuse do you need? I could probably even wrangle up Beebe for lunch.


Ethan Cooper
September 29th, 2008, 02:39 PM
Apple store an hour away? Why didn't I know about this before?