View Full Version : Artistic flow?

Stephen J. Williams
September 17th, 2008, 03:50 PM
so when it comes to setting up shots... how do you guys do it. I have some good ideas but once mixed with the music in my timeline it doesn't turn out as well as i would have hoped. Do you select the music first, then play out the shots in your head? Is it all natural and just going with the flow? Any ideas would be great.

Richard Wakefield
September 18th, 2008, 03:48 AM
let's take for example the bridal party getting ready in the morning....

the couple always have their song lists ready for me before the wedding, so i generally aim to have a upbeat, faster-paced song for this section of the day. so i'll film in a manner which suits that.
but that's not to say you can't film in a way that would suit a slow or fast song. I find too that there's always ways to change the look in post-production. i.e. where you've zoomed in to something quickly whilst recording, you could use that instead of cutting it, and make it look deliberate for the song.

Dawn Brennan
September 18th, 2008, 07:13 AM
i.e. where you've zoomed in to something quickly whilst recording, you could use that instead of cutting it, and make it look deliberate for the song.

Great suggestion... something I have thought about before, but haven't done yet. I see others doing this, but it always feels "akward" to me. Something I need to get over because it can add a nice artistic touch to some pieces.

Don Bloom
September 18th, 2008, 07:39 AM
Do you select the music first, then play out the shots in your head? Is it all natural and just going with the flow? Any ideas would be great.

Sometimes. Depends on the couple. I just did one where the couple was very shy so I did more of a doco approach and one I did before that they were as open to playing for the camera as hollywood actors-made the shoot a lot easier from the standpoint of shooting for the music for particular sections of the product.


Danny O'Neill
September 18th, 2008, 07:54 AM
We get the couples song list before the day and load it up on the ipod which goes in the car and listen to their selections when travelling. Gives me an idea to their tastes and style. The ones who liked the Jam and other far out stuff was a little hard.

Highlights we see as total creative freedom, so far we use songs not the couples choice but it always works out for the best. The main movie features their songs plus whatever we see fits the bill.

Same as richard though. I watch through to see what's there and find a song to fit and you just get a 'feeling' for what works. Sometimes I edit, it fits the beat but just doesnt work and doesnt give you the happy feeling you want.