View Full Version : Sony DCR-PC300K or Panasonic GS100K

Tony Leung
August 14th, 2003, 05:17 PM
Sony will release a new DV DCR-PC300K with 1/3" CCD, 3M pixel with RGB filter, list price 198000yen (street price should be lower)

Panasonic GS100K has 1/4" 3CCD, also 3M pixel (street price 118000 yen).

Which one have better price performance? Will 1/4" 3CCD has better low light performance than 1/3" 1CCD?


Jeff Donald
August 17th, 2003, 06:17 PM
Too early to know, but usually the bigger chip wins low light comparisons.

Frank Granovski
August 17th, 2003, 06:51 PM
I thought the GS100 had 1/6" CCDs.

Tony Leung
August 18th, 2003, 07:12 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Frank Granovski : I thought the GS100 had 1/6" CCDs. -->>>
Yes, GS100K has 1/6" CCD. Sorry for typing mistake.