Suzanne Zorich
September 17th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Hi Guys,
Well, I was importing some short footage into imovie '08, it being only 20 minutes, I thought I'd edit it quickly, and the audio is out of sync. I shot in 30f and the audio is fine on the tape, I have no idea what's going on? Any suggestions?
Jake McGlothlin
September 17th, 2008, 12:29 PM
I ran into the same problem last night. I was importing some 10 minutes of footage, which I shot in 24f, and the audio was fine on the tape. But when I played it back in my editing software (premiere elements), some of the audio was gone. There was a stretch of silence, then the rest of the audio was about a minute behind the video.
Christopher Drews
September 17th, 2008, 12:30 PM
This is an easy fix in any NLE (aside from iMovie).
In Final Cut, just click the audio track (make sure the A/V link is broken) and type "-2 + enter" this will nudge the audio back two frames. Play with the nudge factor until the audio is synced.
As for the original master, make sure you can verify your audio was recorded correctly. Play it out to a monitor. Most likely, your computer's performance hindered the capture process, thus delaying the audio. Its a common problem when you record to your internal hard drive. Suggestion - get a Firewire 800 drive and invest in Final Cut.
Hope this helps,
Suzanne Zorich
September 17th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Thanks Chris,
just for the fun of it, there's no fix in Imovie for this is there?
Christopher Drews
September 17th, 2008, 03:22 PM
Not that I know of. Try recapturing to a different disk.
Bill Pryor
September 17th, 2008, 03:25 PM
It could have something to do with your processor too. When I first got my XH A1 I captured with my old iBook, just to check things out. Captured fine, but played back out of sync. I moved the same captured files from the iBook to the editing computer at work and it played fine.
Suzanne Zorich
September 17th, 2008, 06:01 PM
Thanks Bill, that's what I am wondering as well. I am clearing out a bunch of.dv's to see if it helps, but this dual processor should do much better than this! I'll let you know if this works...