Graham Bernard
August 14th, 2003, 10:13 AM
I've just completed a series of interviews in the blazing sunshine with my Y adaptor XLR and using the Senni ME66 as a directional handheld. Excellent images and audio. Now I appear to be getting some high frquency crackle on the SSSSss in some of the speakers. Why? And how do I guard against it? I've domne the same interviews inside an office and no problem. Same set-up. No crackle on the high SSS or sibilance words - yeah?
Rob Lohman
August 15th, 2003, 08:58 AM
Do you think the crackle has been recorded or is only happening
with playback. Are you sure you had your camera setup correctly?
Graham Bernard
August 15th, 2003, 10:21 AM
"Do you think the crackle has been recorded " No crackling on shoot - outside, not alot of sound out there
" . . is only happening with playback." I'm going with this
"Are you sure you had your camera setup correctly?" Well . . Audio on Auto. Both channels up to high, NO attenuation ON.
How else can I set up the cammie?
Mike Rehmus
August 16th, 2003, 06:27 PM
If you are having sibilance problems, don't be discouraged. It happens to everyone. Different people have this problem in lesser or greater amounts.
There are several good 'De-essers' out there to clean up the audio.
Graham Bernard
August 16th, 2003, 10:53 PM
Mike thanks for the reassurance. Yes"ss" - that kinda thing?
"There are several good 'De-essers' out there to clean up the audio. - Well, I do edit in Vegas 4. This has an enormous amount of audio FXs. Much beyond my current skills, but I would guess there are some specific filters I could employ to do this job. On a third and fourth review it appears, as you say, specific to a certain speaking subject. Others were "on the mark". Another thing was that when I played the same rushes on a friend's set up - and he being a vidpro - he didn't know what I complaining about! - Well, I can hear it! Maybe I need to be a bit more "relaxed" about it, and consider if I should further wander into this part of audio distortion, then maybe, and the clip is essential, I could resort to fixing it in Vegas - yeah?
Mike, thanks again for easing my mind,
Robert J. Wolff
August 17th, 2003, 12:15 PM
Just a thought.
While you were doing your exterior shoot, were you in close proximity to some very strong High Voltage DC power lines?
If so, that could do you in.
I always have a walkman radio with me. It's tuned to an AM radio station, so that any interference is audible.
Mike Rehmus
August 17th, 2003, 01:26 PM
Yes sssssssssssssssss