Daniel Alexander
September 17th, 2008, 06:08 AM
Hello, has anyone had any experience with the libec ls22 tripod with the sony EX1? My reason for asking is I have found a very good private deal for this model but wondering if it will be too light for my sony ex1 and sgpro system (soon to order). If feedback proves it will be too light I will fork out an extra £200 for the LS38. From what I have found by seraching the forums already is that both tripods are very good but found lack of information regarding the use of these systems with the EX1.
PS not all my work will be with the adapter
Thanks guys
Ted OMalley
September 17th, 2008, 08:04 AM
I wish I could provide better first-hand information, but I'd guess you'd want the 38.
I already had a 55 head, but I bought a 38 head when I bought my EX3. But, then I added a Dionic 90 battery and wireless receiver to the camera (but no SGPro) and suddenly, the 38 was too light. I've gone back to the 55 and am much happier.
My guess is that for the EX1 with the SGPro, the 38 should be sufficient, but the 22 won't be.
Daniel Alexander
September 17th, 2008, 08:08 AM
thanks alot for the info, maybe i shouldnt be trying to skimp on a good tripod
Bruce Rawlings
September 17th, 2008, 11:39 AM
.I would get the bigger tripod. The SGPro with EX1 is quite heavy so you need a really solid set of sticks. I use a Satchler Caddy (10 years old).
Daniel Alexander
September 17th, 2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks mate. I feel more confident now after thinking about it, i think a tripod is something i shouldnt try to cut corners with and i've seen some great reviews on the libec ls38 so i will be handing over the cash friday morning :)
Alex da Silva
September 17th, 2008, 07:26 PM
If you want something similar to the Libec but with better load capacity you should try the Miller Solo DV.