View Full Version : Multi-cam timeline editing

Tripp Woelfel
September 14th, 2008, 06:25 AM
In shooting races at a local track I can drop a camera into one or more cars for on-board video. When I get to post this can result in up to six synchronized clips (three covering the track and up to three in-car cameras).

You can see and example here: One Great Mini Stock Heat on Vimeo (

PP can handle up to four simultaneous clips in multi-clip timelines. What's the best way to work the the two extra ones? Right now, I put the four clips I think are most important in the multi-cam timeline, edit that, then drop the other two on additional video tracks (w/audio) in the timeline and manually drop those in. Kind of a PITA, but it will get the job done. Anyone have a better way?

Mitchell Skurnik
September 14th, 2008, 01:45 PM
The only way I can see doing this is to create 6 layers in your timeline put a camera on each, and then use the cut tool to remove the portions of the other cameras that you dont need.

Tripp Woelfel
September 14th, 2008, 05:32 PM
Back in the days of Premier 6.0 that's what I used to do. But CS3 gives you the multi-cam editing window which is a huge improvement over guessing where the edit points should be on multiple tracks.

What I'm now relegated to putting the three track cameras and what I hope is the most interesting on-board camera into the multi-cam timeline then plant the other two cameras' footage on V2 and V3 and start the guessing game.

What I'm looking for is a better way, if there is one.

At least with the driver radio audio I can see the waveform in the timeline.