View Full Version : Using batch lists from Client edit logs - in tapeless

Mark Slocombe
September 14th, 2008, 01:30 AM
In the tape-based workflow, in FCP, we have always enabled client pre-edit logging for certain project types eg 4hrs of testimonials, by giving client a copy of rushes with burnt in timecode - they log in/out, name and sort clips into edit order on an Excel spreadsheet, which we import to FCP to then batch capture the clips from tape. Huge amount of edit work is therefore done.

In tapeless (we're using XDCAM EX) it seems that clips in a FCP batch list cannot be relinked to media that's already captured - so our Excel edit log route won't work.

Has anyone devised a solution to this problem (we don't want to be outputting XDCAM material back to tape to create client review DVDs!)?