View Full Version : Cineform level problem: HELP!
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 04:26 PM All of my Cineform NEO HDV files are suddenly in the computer RGB color space (0-255) instead of studio (16-235). The only thing I've done is updated to the latest NEO codec. I also updated one computer to Vegas 8.0c but I don't think thats the problem because I have another system with 8.0b and it is having the same problem. Both are using the latest Cineform NEO HDV codec. My scopes are set to Studio RGB.
I've tried uninstalling Neo and installing an older version to no avail. I'm on a major deadline and suddenly all of my levels are screwed up. Any ideas?
Thank you, Marc
David Newman September 12th, 2008, 06:23 PM Try this build of NEO HD, NEO HDV is going on to be build later tonight. NEO HD should run fine for 15-days, until we get a new version NEO HDV to you.
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 06:51 PM David,
Thank you for the quick response. The problem is that I have already ran an evaulation of NEO HD on this computer and so I get the "sorry your evaluation period is over". I tried opening Vegas anyways with Neo HD installed and the options are greyed out in the render as box and more important the clip levels are still bad.
Any other ideas? I've already wasted most of the day with this and I'm on a major deadline.
Thanks, Marc
David Newman September 12th, 2008, 07:09 PM The new NEO HDV is still an hour or two off, and it may not address the issue (although it should,) so why not return to your last install to finish your project. We did upgrade the color system in the codec in the last few minor builds, so seems to be not working for Vegas. I saw one hole in this that would impact Vegas only, that is what is being built now.
David Newman September 12th, 2008, 07:30 PM NEO HDV is ready
Bill Ravens September 12th, 2008, 07:31 PM you posted twice here and twice on the vegas forum. the problem appears to be in vegas 8c, since Avid and Edius both report broadcast RGB with the cineform codec. something is very funky with vegas 8c surprise.
why do you need to post this so many times?
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 07:35 PM David,
That's the problem. I've tried uninstalling the new and re-installing my previous working version ( It installs fine but when I go to render it always shows up as v3.9.6 which is the newest version. The old version showed up as (v3.8.2) in the Vegas render box. Also the levels of all clips on the timeline are still bad after reinstalling the old version. I've deactivated, deleted every Cineform entry in the registry and program folder I could find but to no avail.
Now since trying the install of NEO HD it shows up as 4.0.1 even though I've unstalled Neo HD and reinstalled the older version of Neo HDV. I also have no options (high, film scan etc.) available to me now. My system is totally dead in the water and it will take me days to transfer the 2 terabytes of files and do a reinstall. Is there any way to reset these codecs and get me back to the older working version of NEO???
Additional Information: I have ran the tests on two other computers using trial version of NEO. Both computers have problems with the new NEO and black levels. However both computers allow me to revert back to the older working version of NEO. My main system (the one registered with Cineform) will not revert back to v3.8.2 as explained above.
Thanks, Marc
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 07:46 PM "the problem appears to be in vegas 8c"
No it's not 8.0c as I've confirmed the problem on two other systems running 8.0b only.
Bill Ravens September 12th, 2008, 08:04 PM have you rendered out to your delivery media a test clip to see if the "problem" carries all the way thru? Render a smpte color bar for a real test. I'm seeing changes in the behavior of the vegas preview window and scopes with the 8c release compared to the 8b release. i have never trusted the vegas preview window, as it's been quite wrong. right now, it looks to me like it might finally be working right.
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 08:06 PM David,
I installed the new version but have the same problem. One thing: When I go to "render as" in Vegas it still shows the Cineform HD codec V.4.0.1 with all of the options greyed out. I uninstalled NEO HD and installed NEO HDV but for some reason it cannot see the NEO HDV codec. Is there any to clear out this codec and get back to the working version of NEO HDV without having to revert to a complete system re-install?
Thank you, Marc
David Newman September 12th, 2008, 08:43 PM Yes, you should have just ask for that in first place, rather post randoming all over the place, support could have told this.
Delete c:\windows\system32\cfhd.dll then install whatever version you like.
The new version should fix the issue.
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 09:33 PM David,
My apologies if I posted too much but I could not find a telephone support number on the Cineform website and your site says that a support ticket would be answered within 72 hours. Well, I did not have 72 hours and was in a bit of a panic. The current verison of NEO was broken and I felt others should be informed to avoid it and was also hoping to resolve this issue ASAP or at least find a workaround. So I posted on this and the Sony site.
Thank you for your prompt attention and resolution of this issue. Your company has great customer service and a fine product. Everything is back to normal now with the current build (BTW: When you start up HD Link the splash screen says Aspect for Premiere)
Regards, Marc
David Newman September 12th, 2008, 09:40 PM Telephone numbers are under "About CineForm", but you are not the only one to miss that.
So build 181 does fix the RGB level?
Regarding the AspectHD splash, these where build it a rush remotely (I wasn't at the office during your panic) so there might a cosmetic glitch or two. These are betas.
Marc Salvatore September 12th, 2008, 10:07 PM Ok I'll note that about the numbers. Yes RGB is back to normal. Works great.
I understand on the splash just wanted to make sure you knew.
Thanks again, Marc
Pat Reddy September 13th, 2008, 09:19 AM Thanks David and Cineform for the quick fix!