View Full Version : Panasonic AGHMC70P AVCHD Camcorder

Noel Lising
September 12th, 2008, 09:43 AM
Hi there, has anyone used this Camera before? I am shopping for an HD Camera for next season and this looks really cheap. I am still wary of the tapeless format though, can someone give me the pros and cons?

Here is the link

Panasonic AGHMC70P AVCHD Camcorder Pro Camcorders - Vistek Canada Product Detail (

Monday Isa
September 12th, 2008, 09:54 AM
Hey Noel if your going to look at that camcorder you as might as well look at the Sony FX7 (recently re-instated to the market for $2,000) which I believe is a better camcorder unless your into the shoulder mount in which case the HMC70 will be a better choice for yourself.

Louis Maddalena
September 12th, 2008, 09:57 AM
It is a basic point and shoot camera, doesn't have much control over the image. I also think the look of the camera helps people think you are more professional, and this particular camera looks like a fisher price toy model of a old fashioned VHS camera.

There are HDV cameras that look better, have more control, and use tape that are in a similar price point.

Just my opinion though, others might disagree.

Noel Lising
September 12th, 2008, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the input.

Monday do you have the link for the FX7 that's down to $ 2000? Greatly appreciated.

Noel Lising
September 12th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Louis, thank you as well. I am scrimping on money right now, my second choice would be the single CMOS Sony AIU.

Monday Isa
September 12th, 2008, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the input.

Monday do you have the link for the FX7 that's down to $ 2000? Greatly appreciated.

Do note Noel if your using the on board mic for audio at reception it will clip badly if not controlled well. Otherwise it's a sweet package for the new price now.

Sony | HDR-FX7 3CMOS HDV 1080i Camcorder | HDRFX7 | B&H Photo (

Peter Manojlovic
September 12th, 2008, 10:26 AM

It seems that you'd be very limited with this camera...
For that price range, i'm sure u can find a used Pana DVX100..

Whatever your situtation, i personally believe that this camera would be the worst investment you could make right now..
It's a novelty item currently...

Noel Lising
September 12th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Thanks for the link Monday. That is a sweet price.

Peter, I know the price range is really low, but I am trying to save money new Format means I have to upgrade my PC, my software, the whole nine yards.

If money is of no concern I'll get the Sony FX1000. I am using a VX2000 right now, with the DVC 7 as back-up, I use to own a PD150 but it got stolen, the vx2000 was my back-up before.