View Full Version : Reason to keep Manfrotto 503HDV/755B?

Chris Estrella
September 11th, 2008, 05:31 PM
I have two Manfrotto tripods - a set with 055/501HDV and one with 503HDV/755B.

What's the comparison between the two? I know the latter set is a couple hundred more but why? I'm no tripod expert, I just need a still shot with smooth panning and tilting and the 055/501 set does fine for me (in fact I prefer it because it's less bulky and is easier to level properly)

Is there a reason I should keep the 503/755 tripod? Otherwise I'm thinking of selling it and downgrading to another 501/055 set...



David W. Jones
September 12th, 2008, 05:50 AM
Each tripod and head has a weight range limit that it can support while still functioning properly. Choose the one that best matches your camera pkg.

Greg Laves
September 22nd, 2008, 07:17 PM
I am not familiar with the legs but virtually everyone who has used both heads, prefers the action of the 503HDV head over the 501HDV. I got to use a 501HDV head the other day and found it very useful. But I wasn't doing a lot of panning, either. It worked fine for the limited moves that I needed.

Nick Wilson
September 25th, 2008, 06:06 AM
The 503 is a fluid-damped head whilst the 501 uses teflon discs. But what's important (apart from whether the weight is in limits) is which feels best for you.
