View Full Version : sound device 702 with EV RE27mic

John M. McCloskey
September 11th, 2008, 02:25 PM
Quick setting question on Sound device 702. I have connected the EV RE27 mic without Phantom power and made some VO recordings and man it seems like you really have to turn the front gain dials up to get the right levels(all the way). Wondering if the mic really needs that much juice to record or if I have a setting wrong in the sound device. Could be all types of things I know but if you have a suggestion please let me know. THX

Allan Black
September 11th, 2008, 03:20 PM
The RE27 gets great reviews. It's 6dB up on the RE20.

Check everything including the level going into it, set the 3 filters to flat. Problem with your cable? Is the 702 set to dynamic mic? Run it alongside another dynamic.


Steve House
September 11th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Quick setting question on Sound device 702. I have connected the EV RE27 mic without Phantom power and made some VO recordings and man it seems like you really have to turn the front gain dials up to get the right levels(all the way). Wondering if the mic really needs that much juice to record or if I have a setting wrong in the sound device. Could be all types of things I know but if you have a suggestion please let me know. THX

The RE-27 is a dynamic mic and as a class dynamics send much lower output levels than typical condensor mics. Make sure the mic gain range in the setup menu is set to 'normal' - that gives you the maximum range. You can still expect to have to turn up the pots much higher with a dynamic than you would with a typical condensor mic.

John M. McCloskey
September 12th, 2008, 07:19 AM
thank you both, I had the gain set to low and moved it to normal, definitly a small change but a change never the less. I am wondering if I would get less ambient sound with a condensor than the dynamic mic. When you turn the pots up man does it increase the surrounding noises with this dynamic mic. Thanks again.