View Full Version : Hotshoe questions GS100

Paul Jason
August 8th, 2003, 12:17 AM
I was reading through some of the past post and came across a question\complaint about no dedicated mic input. ( No reply was given.) I was wondering, could a person use the hotshoe as a hardwired input? 1/8" 1/4"TRS or XLR. (Does anyone make one?) Then use the headphone out to monitor.

Do you have to use the hotshoe microphone made by Panasonic or will any hotshoe accessories work with any hotshoe input?

One more question. Does anyone work on the GS100 over here in the USA? If something went wrong ( Has anyone had anything go wrong with theirs yet?) in the camera would it be less exspensive to have it fixed over here or just send it back to Japan?
Thanks for taking the time to read all this.

Frank Granovski
August 9th, 2003, 02:18 AM
The cam would have to be sent back for servicing.

Doesn't the GS100 have a mic socket?

Bogdan Vaglarov
August 9th, 2003, 02:41 AM
Paul, I'm wondering simmilar thing like you.

It seems Pana made only possible the use of it's own video light or mic.

If you want to use other mic you have to plug it in the wire remote input so you are not able to control while on tripod.

You can monitor via headphones. I guess it will be not easy to make adaptor for the hot shoe. I was wondering if such adapter can be made to split remote control and mic input. The jack has 3 or 4 plastic insulators and shouldn't be very difficult. But ... don't know who would try to work on such task?

Hope we can find some workout.

Frank Granovski
August 9th, 2003, 02:59 AM
I'm sure you can get lights with their own battery/batteries, other than Panasonic, and clip them it the hotshoe or fasten it to your stabilizer. Regarding a mic, you can always get an XLR adaptor and use a "pro" mic.

Bogdan Vaglarov
August 9th, 2003, 05:53 AM
Yes this is the usual way for third party suppliers.

To make it clear - I want to use the wired remote - all Pana doesn't have separate LANC to use third party remote.

As the wired remote shares same plug as the mic (remote has own naration mic) you cant plug other device (mic, XLR adaprtor, etc.) while using the remote!

The only other way is to use the own Pana mic on the hot shoe.

If you want to use light at the same time it should be mounted on bracket and can't use the hot shoe so sure it should be any brand with own power.

If we can make some kind of splitter/adaptor so you can plug the remote in female adapted jack and mic in normal mini stereo that will be grate!

Peter Jefferson
August 9th, 2003, 08:07 AM
with regard to the lack of mc input vs remote, if you are happy with using the IR Remote control, i a have a solution.

now with this, you WONT be able to monitor the audio apart fom monitoring visually, but it will allow for mic input, as well as remote access.

Grab a Optical Fibre audio cable (the cables u use to connect your dvd player to yu Pro Logic Reciever)

Now mount on end of the cable to the IR transmitter on the remote, and then attach the other end to the IR reciever/sensor of the cam.
u can use a bit of black gaffa tape

Peter Warren
November 8th, 2003, 02:08 PM
If one uses an XLR adapter, doesn't that take up the camera port for the remote device? So that you cannot use an external mike, even XLR, and the remote at the same time?

Peter Warren
November 8th, 2003, 02:11 PM

Have you actually tried this? Does it work and is it stable? Where does one get optical fiber audio cable? Is it difficult the secure the cable over over the IR transmitter/receivers?

If this works, it is a very ingenious solution....


Bogdan Vaglarov
November 9th, 2003, 06:39 PM
I think both the wired remote and the IR remote doesn’t provide good control over the zoom speed. The IR remote is not easy to handle too – you have to “spend” one of your hands instead of using the thumb of the operating the pan lever hand for example.

I haven’t experimented extensively but if somebody have more experience with both remotes I want to hear his opinion on that.