View Full Version : Highlights - Jez and Cat

Danny O'Neill
September 11th, 2008, 05:17 AM
Don't normally post work for critique but its the best way to learn.

This is a password protected video on Vimeo (

password 'draft'

Its not the final one, I need to make some changes (dial back the reds, fix some exposure issues, remove the carpet scene which is too far to the right).

Richard Wakefield
September 11th, 2008, 06:37 AM
glad i'm the first to comment coz i've seen you grow from strength to strength....this clip has great richness, and great glidecamming, and just shows that a few UK companies are really taking a few steps up the ladder

well done mate, very pro

Buba Kastorski
September 11th, 2008, 07:52 AM
Great job, very nice color, MB looks in the isle shot looks awesome,
I would cut the orange juice though :)

Travis Cossel
September 11th, 2008, 01:21 PM
Looked good and I love that song. What's the tune?

One thought I had was that a few scenes seemed too long given their meaning. One was the outdoor shot just before the shot of the boy at the table, and another was the shot of the orange juice being poured. These shots seemed to be just a bit long considering what they were showing. Minor things though.

Danny O'Neill
September 11th, 2008, 02:45 PM
Thanks all, all good stuff to help me improve.

As with all our stuff, showed a few friends who are not editors or operators and they see everything as fine. There I am saying "but, the reds are too strong, this is too dark". There was a time where I would have said the same. lol

John De Rienzo
September 13th, 2008, 04:53 PM
I watched it with sound off and on!

Sorry to put a hamper on things, but whats with the jump cut at the beginning?

Also I still see someone who has a camera on a glidecam walking around with it like a new toy.

There is a cut early on which was confusing. I was waiting to see you pan up to someone, but then it suddenly cut to another shot.

I think you need to work on composition and framing. The shot of the bride and groom coming out of church looks slightly slanted, and there is a tendency to err on the side of maximum headroom.

You need to frame the shots tighter in places in my opinion, and try something different to the glidecam, all, most of the way it gets slightly sickening in places...

My thoughts, I have no doubt others may, will differ.


John De Rienzo

Emily Howlett
September 14th, 2008, 04:52 AM
Hi Danny

I really enjoyed the clip, you had some great glidecam work in there!! I think it might have been over used once or twice, the shots were great but I think you loose some of the WOW factor if there are too many.

I think the shot over the makeup was odd, I too thought it cut too late. A few shots went on longer than I like, shorter shots would help keep the pace up, but everyones editing style is different!

Over all I think it looks really great and I really like the shot up the isle and outside the church.

Thank you for sharing your work, its inspiring to see so many people out there developing wedding videoraphy into something beautiful. You did a great job!

Danny O'Neill
September 14th, 2008, 12:03 PM
Thanks all,

Richard will know what Im talking about when I say I had a slight problem with our second camera. So all things considering Im pretty chuffed with how it turned out and the client has given us some of our best feedback to date. I also think shes sent the link out to the entire world looking at our web stats. There are a few things im not happy with but no matter what I do I know, like everyone else I will never be happy.

Im really happy no one noticed the song was edited down to remove 1min 30 seconds. Obviously did a good job on that one ;)

Cheers all.