View Full Version : Workflow to enable client logging / paper edit > FCP

Mark Slocombe
September 10th, 2008, 01:46 PM
Anyone got workflow suggestions to enable client logging / paper editing, pre-FCP editing? On tape we've historically dubbed tapes to DVD with burnt in timecode and given clients an Excel sheet to log shots on, label them, and sort them into edit order. Then FCP imports the Excel edit log and thus the relevant clips on tapes.

We can emulate this by putting imported XDCAM clips into FCP sequences, adding a timecode generator filter and outputting to either DVD via Compressor or to WMV / QT in Episode...... but I just wonder if anyone has an even more efficient workflow for this?

Ola Christoffersson
September 10th, 2008, 02:03 PM
I just get a big 500 GB USB-drive for cheap and copy all of the raw material during a lunch and give that to the client with a downloaded copy of Clip Browser on the disk. He/She can then view and logg the clips in full quality with TC and everything. The cost is $100 and the work involved is five minutes.