View Full Version : XL2 Settings? (3 question thread)

Scott Delish
September 9th, 2008, 09:38 PM
What settings does everyone use for broad daylight in the bright sun? Whenever I do it, it looks grainy/and or hazy and I don't know what settings to use? I keep it on -3, and sometimes use both my ND filters... Generally my macro shots look fine, but full people or wide shots look absolutely terrible, does anyone know why this may be?

And the second question is how come when I film, I get vertical artifacting? I don't have an example right now, but when I put it on the PC through Premiere it looks like vertical artifacting..

The last thing is that does the XL2 record true 24P? Because unless I'm doing something wrong in Premiere, it reads as interlaced and 29.97 FPS.

Michele Coser
September 14th, 2008, 01:52 AM
Sure that you're in full manual mode and not in one of those semi-auto (TV, AV) modes? Check if the auto gain knob is set to 0.

About the verical artifact: are you talking about the vertical smear you see when you point the lens at the daylight sun or some kind of streetlights? Most of the SD prosumer camcorder got this downside. It may be diffrent wit CMOS or HD camcorders but i'm not really sure.

For the 24p question, if you have set the camcorder in 24p it record in 24p. However you have to check the right settings for progressive also in Premiere when you open a new project.

Scott Delish
September 14th, 2008, 10:38 AM
Sure that you're in full manual mode and not in one of those semi-auto (TV, AV) modes? Check if the auto gain knob is set to 0.

About the verical artifact: are you talking about the vertical smear you see when you point the lens at the daylight sun or some kind of streetlights? Most of the SD prosumer camcorder got this downside. It may be diffrent wit CMOS or HD camcorders but i'm not really sure.

For the 24p question, if you have set the camcorder in 24p it record in 24p. However you have to check the right settings for progressive also in Premiere when you open a new project.

Ok to answer your questions here we go...

Manual Mode (Yes I'm sure.)
-3 Gain
Now that you mention it, it does kind of seem like the artifacting is in bright contrasty places.
Also I do record in 24P mode and I do have the settings right in Premiere, but it still records as interlaced... Maybe someone can do a screenshot for me as to show me what exact settings they use? Thanks for your help.