Josh Mellicker
September 8th, 2008, 06:58 PM
Just wondering if anyone would be interested in an application that batch rotates a folder of video clips 180 degrees and saves them without any quality loss?
Thanks for any input... also, how much do you think a good price for this software might be?
Samuel Hinterlang
September 8th, 2008, 09:16 PM
It could be useful if it auto detected the codec and bounced them back out without any change in the quality. I'd pay somewhere between $20-$30 if I saw that it worked well. To be honest though, I already have presets set up in my nle to take care of this type of situation. The standalone app might be nice on another computer other than my workstation, so I could just come back to the files the next day or whenever and still keep my working on other things. The big sell for me would be a lack of options so I can just add files to a queue and click a start button. Like I said, if I need more than that, I just use the software that I already have.
Ted Ramasola
September 9th, 2008, 12:53 AM
Before, i use Procoder to batch flip my footage from the hd100. Later i just flip all the footage in the timeline in edius . Now, with my jvc hd200, I flip it in camera.