View Full Version : EX1 Expanded Focus out to Component?
Alex Raskin September 7th, 2008, 08:01 PM I use a 10" external LCD monitor (made by, and I could use focus assist sometimes for critical focus.
Is there a way to have Expanded Focus (zoomed in center of screen) replicated on EX1's Component out, the same way it shows on its LCD screen?
Serena Steuart September 7th, 2008, 08:22 PM Purely on a theoretical basis, I'd say not. You can select expanded focus while shooting and that doesn't alter the recorded image, so I wouldn't expect it to affect any other output.
Jason Bodnar September 7th, 2008, 09:42 PM I can verify, It does not work... I tried it when I first got my steadicam Pilot and tried with the external monitor and nothing... bummer!
Gints Klimanis September 7th, 2008, 11:06 PM Yes, this has been my major beef. The signal sent to the component/composite outputs is before the video overlay that feeds the LCD. I'd prefer an programmable option that would send whatever you see on the LCD to the component/composite outputs with all overlay information, including zebra stripes and peaking information. Sure, that would require the overlay to be done before downsampling, and this would make it all the more valuable.
Gints Klimanis September 7th, 2008, 11:15 PM I use a 10" external LCD monitor (made by, and I could use focus assist sometimes for critical focus.
Hey, I just pre-ordered their external 10.9" monitor on impulse
Manhattan LCD (
Are you using the Toshiba 10.9" at 1366*768 ? How does it look compared to the composite out?
David C. Williams September 7th, 2008, 11:35 PM Many video LCDs have pixel for pixel, or some form of zoom built in. Not as convenient, but does the job.
Alex Raskin September 8th, 2008, 08:15 AM Gints: Yes, Toshiba 10.9"
Never tried Composite - didn't see the point.
Monitor has bluish tint, which I almost eliminated by switching to "warm" setting and playing with brightness and contrast to (more or less) match the camera's own LCD.
Overall, I'm happy with the monitor. Could use a wider angle of view though.
Gints Klimanis September 8th, 2008, 12:09 PM Thanks for the color balance info, Alex. That warm setting will help as pretty much every Sony LCD I've owned in the past was overly blue and left me thinking that I don't have proper white balance unless it is a little blue. I'm expecting that same monitor in the manhattanlcd HD monitor.
I emailed the manhattanlcd guy about the video zoom, and he said his boards don't do it. It's probably needed less with a nearly full rez HD monitor, but given a longer viewing distance, I'd like to see it. We should be asking Sony to provide this for us.
Piotr Wozniacki September 21st, 2008, 08:26 AM Anyone using the Manhattan LCD?
I wonder how it is doing compared with the Carrion b (difficult to source, anyway)...
Alex Raskin September 21st, 2008, 09:52 AM Piotr, this is what I have.
Can't compare since I don't own Carrion, sorry.
In studio environment, ManhattanLCD is very good and worth the price, IMHO.
After all, there are no alternatives I know of with HD resolution in this size/price range.
Piotr Wozniacki September 21st, 2008, 01:13 PM Thanks, Alex. May you elaborate why you stressed the "studio environment" where the Manhattan LCD performs well?
Alex Raskin September 21st, 2008, 02:24 PM I didn't try it outdoors, but most likely it won't be very useful in bright light.