View Full Version : Wedding Trailer
Kelii Grace September 4th, 2008, 07:25 PM Some people will say the song I chose for this is waaay too dark and dramatic but I had to fit alot of different shots in one minute so I thought I would go with this recognizeable track=)
Demo 2008 on Vimeo (
Pete Cofrancesco September 4th, 2008, 08:36 PM Lots of nice shots but the music isn't appropriate for a wedding. Sounds like you're getting ready for battle. I also don't care for the variable speed ups, I know you did it to match the sections of the music but like I said the music isn't right. And you've included too many of these trendy fast motion effects. I find slow mo is more appropriate for weddings. Anyways good start.
Jack Tran September 4th, 2008, 10:26 PM Awsome video. Loved the editing, i can tell you spent alot of time working on it and getting it to match the music. When it came to syncing the video to the music, you nailed it!! (its a pet peeve of mine when people dont sync video to music, but you did a perfect job)
I have to agree that the music doesnt remind me of a wedding. But it works since you want it to look and feel 'epic'.
Instead of starting over with new music and everything, i think you should include some (more) reception shots of people having fun. You had some, then it went to shots of people posing for a picture. Take some out and include the 'emotion' of the party. That way, the mood of the video matches the 'climax' of the song.
If you are still using the same song, keep all the fast movement in, it matches the music.
I would rather watch this than something that is slow and boring.
just my 2cents.
Bill Grant September 4th, 2008, 11:06 PM Kelii,
Don't listen to anyone tell you that your choice or your clients choice of music isn't right. These are opinions. No one has opinions anymore, something either is right or not. In my opinion this was GREAT! Of course I favor this type of music for weddings. Break the mold try something different and interesting. This is how we grow. I thought the motion effects were fine. I also didn't see a need to include any different shots, this is obviously a collection of pretty pictures, and that's what you've got here. Great shots. Not too long as to get redundant and I love the choice of music. Very dramatic, good stuff. Just be sure that when you are using a piece like this as a demo that you also have a more traditional piece for that bride that doesn't identify with this more epic style. It doesn't have to be all slow motion and dissolves but just a contrasting style. Good work.
Matthew Ebenezer September 4th, 2008, 11:50 PM Some nice shots in there.
I'm not a fan of the epic music for weddings. I always find that the intensity of the music is never matched by the footage. I find myself expecting Russell Crowe to jump out and run the groom through with his sword :)
Lovely sunset footage - really beautiful.
Noa Put September 5th, 2008, 02:36 AM Liked it, especially the way you combined it with the music, it's nice to see a different approach to weddingvideo's. The location were you worked was really cool, we don't have anything like that around these parts :)
Kelii Grace September 5th, 2008, 03:42 AM Thanks for the comments everyone=) I actually only made this for a video showcase I was part of locally and I thought it would be a little different than everyone else there. I understand its not for everyone but I like to think outside the box. And I dig epic war type scores=) Aloha
Wendy Lake September 5th, 2008, 04:47 AM Very creative, and the music was appropriate for a trailer due to building up of anticipation. Great shots and love the speed ups!
Kelii Grace September 5th, 2008, 02:59 PM Thanks for the kind comments=)
Franklin Bencosme September 7th, 2008, 01:24 AM Great cuts,fast motion with the music,image of the sunset beautiful,nice composition
on every clip, and my best opinion is the DRAMATIC of your demo....
Keep posting your videos so we enjoy this great work...
ps-name of the music????
Kelii Grace September 8th, 2008, 06:42 PM Great cuts,fast motion with the music,image of the sunset beautiful,nice composition
on every clip, and my best opinion is the DRAMATIC of your demo....
Keep posting your videos so we enjoy this great work...
ps-name of the music????
Thanks Franklin! The music would be from everyone's favorite film - Harry Potter=)
Blake Cavett September 8th, 2008, 07:53 PM Well I'm only 35 seconds into the video (slow to load tonight) and I agree... the music isn't what I think of when I think 'wedding.'
But I like it! It's different! And I think it works.
Maybe the bride and groom are huge Harry Potter fans. Maybe this is the kind of thing they're into and you've delivered EXACTLY what they're looking for.
Nice work!
Carl Wilky September 8th, 2008, 10:27 PM I would i have to disagree with the majority on this one, i think the music fits very well for what Kelii was aiming to do, get people's attention and be different.
Kelii, with this score you manage to edit your footage accordingly which in way made the unconventional wedding video work in harmony with the track.
Nothing but positive things from me. Job well done
Harry Potter for real?! Would've never guest it.
Serge Satkar September 9th, 2008, 12:29 PM Very nice camerawork, night shots are amazing!
Speedups look just in place but I would make twice slower cuts in between speedups for such music track.. Maybe it a little forcing that's a question of taste I don't mind for such dramatic tracks..
I can mistake.. this is a "Requiem for a dream" score
Kelii Grace September 10th, 2008, 12:49 AM Very nice camerawork, night shots are amazing!
Speedups look just in place but I would make twice slower cuts in between speedups for such music track.. Maybe it a little forcing that's a question of taste I don't mind for such dramatic tracks..
I can mistake.. this is a "Requiem for a dream" score
Thanks! You may have corrected me on that, I randomly downloaded a folder of movie tracks and thats what the title was. Requiem for a Dream was a classic!