Michael Gebben
September 3rd, 2008, 10:28 PM
This past weekend everything was running smoothly, almost to smooth. I always tell people that the only thing I worry about is technology. Well this past weekend it definately wasn't on my side. After two hours I finished editing my SDE and was about 10 minutes away from showing the video and guess what......my projector goes out and no not the bulb the whole entire unit. I'm in a panic and not to happy at all. I went up to the manager at the reception hall and he was my SAVIOR. He immediately left and went to his home to get his projector. About five minutes after he left, mine came back on but looked horrible. So I waited patienly for the manager to come back. But the coordinator was on me to show the video and move on with the night. At this point dinner had just finished and everyone was mingling and thought everything was fine which was great. So we were about 2 minutes from just pressing play and having the video look horrible on my projector and the manager comes in. We plug in his projector and show the video and his projector made the video look amazing. After the video was done everyone was yelling encore. So it all worked out and now I just bought two projectors and will be doing a few favors for the manager. But at least I got to show the video and here it is http://vimeo.com/...mbed&sec=1661654
All of you who do SDE's, how many backups of each piece of equipment do you carry with you?
All of you who do SDE's, how many backups of each piece of equipment do you carry with you?