View Full Version : Converting problem

Johnnie Behiri
September 3rd, 2008, 05:32 PM
I am trying experimenting converting Cineform AVI file with 2 free converting tools.
1-Quickmedia convertor-
2- Xvid4PSP-

-I have Prospect 4k (version install is one before the latest build) and the project I am trying to import to those programs is 720/25p
-Both programs are giving me error when trying to import the Cineform AVI file. (No problem with other non Cineform AVI files).
-Note that The Cineform AVI file will play perfectly in Windows media player.

Any help solving the problem is appreciated!



David Newman
September 3rd, 2008, 09:07 PM
Like VLC and FFMPEG these tools are likely based on open source decoder implementations. You need tools that use either Quicktime, Video for Windows or DirectShow media layers, we support them all.

David Newman
September 3rd, 2008, 09:29 PM
XviD4PSP works if you set Video -> Decoding -> AVI Files to AVISource. I don't know why it wouldn't connect via DShow.

Johnnie Behiri
September 3rd, 2008, 10:30 PM
Thanks David.
Like you suggested, Xvid4PSP worked well after changing to "Decoding->AVI Files to AVISource".

David Newman
September 4th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Thank you. You got me think why XviD4PSP didn't work when it does support DirectShow. Turns out there was a bug in our Decoder when called by AVISynth (used internally by XviD4PSP.)

Here is the patch to our decoder if you are interested (the DShow component is faster.)

unzip and install within C:\Program Files\Common Files\CineForm

Johnnie Behiri
September 4th, 2008, 12:51 PM
Happy I could help! :)