View Full Version : MPEG 1 with FCP3

Marcus Farrar
August 6th, 2003, 02:08 PM

I would like to make some VCD with my Mac using FCP3. I do not have a MPEG 1 export. How do you guys do this on the Mac? I really do not want to buy new software.


Jeff Donald
August 6th, 2003, 06:14 PM
I use Toast or Cleaner. Have you looked at QuickTime to see if you can export to MPEG 1? I don't have QT Pro on my laptop so i can't check to see if it does.

Nicky Loi
August 7th, 2003, 10:18 PM
Hey Marcus,

Toast would be a good option, for sure. They include plugins that would work for iMovie or Final Cut Pro 3, so you can export even within the program. Quicktime Pro sorta works is exporting to mpeg as well, I believe. Didn't play on my VCD/DVD player, but could just be me. You're going to have to spend a little bit of money either way.

Marcus Farrar
August 8th, 2003, 06:25 AM

Everybody is talking about Toast. I guess I will get me a copy. It dose not cost much anyway. I have Quick Time Pro and there is no MPEG 1 export. I like the fact Toast has a plug in for FCP3 that makes it easy. I still think it is kind of odd that DVD Studio Pro 1.5 would not have a plug in for this, or FCP3 would not have this feature. I get the free upgrade to Studio Pro 2 so I will check to see if this was an addition.


Marcus Farrar
December 5th, 2003, 09:37 AM
How can I get my MPEG 1 files to work in DVD Studio Pro 1.5 I want to be able to use my video from FCP to make a VCD in Studio Pro. I have Toast 5 and the export it has is different from the one accepted in Studio Pro.

Matt Stahley
December 5th, 2003, 03:03 PM
DVD SP only accepts mpeg2 AFAIK for DVD content .VCD's cannot be made within DVD SP . Toast is the way to go for VCD.Why not just make a DVD?

Glenn Chan
December 5th, 2003, 04:20 PM
movie2mpeg will give you good quality MPEG1. It's free. I don't know how to author VCDs on a Mac though.

Marcus Farrar
December 5th, 2003, 06:39 PM
The book says it will accept MPEG 1 files in DVD studio pro. Toast dose not make the format MPEG files that will go into DVD studio pro. You need .m1v files which I have on my PC . My question is if Studio Pro accepts MPEG 1 how do you make the files on a Mac.

I want to make cheep demo CD's that I can just hand out to people/clients to have examples of my work. I have a CD burner tower so I can make 8 CD at the same time at 52x. I can only make one DVD at a time and they cost a little more than a CD.

I have been loading all my updates into my Mac. I only use my PC's as a backup. It was so easy to make a VCD in DVDit with the export from Avid. You have got to be kidding me if this is not possible on a Mac.

How can a Mac person make a nice (DVD look) VCD. I have made plenty on my PC with DVDit a simple program. DVD Studio Pro is so much more advanced but how do I get my files together.

I just want to make some cheep demo VCD that will play on a PC/Mac or a DVD player. I want my client to just be able to pop it into the player. I want to have the freedom of menus and chapters just like I did on VCD in DVDit.

any ideas...

Jeff Donald
December 5th, 2003, 06:58 PM
Have you tried running the files through QuickTime Pro to do the conversion.

Marcus Farrar
December 5th, 2003, 09:35 PM
I have used QuickTime. It will not export MPEG 1 files in the .m1v format needed for DVD studio pro. The audio and video should be separate files just like MPEG2. I have done it on a PC. I guess I would not mind using Toast if I could use menus, chapters and buttons. The cool part of a VCD the way the template looks. I know that the MPEG 1 format is low quality but for what I want to do with this project it is OK.

Jeff Donald
December 6th, 2003, 03:09 AM
Toast has a feature called VCD exporter, have you tried using it to create an MPEG 1 file for import into DVDSP ? You may need to convert the audio to aiff. The Toast file may need to be demuxed in order for DVDSP to recognize it as a .m1v file. You can get bbDEMUX from Version Tracker.

You might need to use Cleaner to encode the correct MPEG 1 file.

Glenn Chan
December 6th, 2003, 11:58 AM
Cleaner's MPEG1 stinks. The free program "movie2mpeg" does a better job.

Marcus Farrar
December 6th, 2003, 12:02 PM
Don't just tell us about it, tell us where to get it.

Jeff Donald
December 6th, 2003, 02:10 PM
You can find movie2mpeg here ( at Version Tracker. I think it only runs in OS 9. It is reported to be very slow and buggy. It is a beta software, version 0.1.X Use at your own risk. I would try the Toast exporter first.

Marcus Farrar
December 6th, 2003, 03:57 PM
Has anyone here ever made a VCD with DVD studio pro and burned it to a CD. Thanks Jeff the bbDEMUX software worked for me and I got the MPEG 1 files into DVD studio Pro. Now I can't get the files to burn in DVD Studio Pro.

Jeff Donald
December 6th, 2003, 04:32 PM
Did you convert the audio? What error message does it give you?

Marcus Farrar
December 6th, 2003, 04:36 PM
I can preview the clip in quicktime but when I import it into DVD Studio Pro I can not preview. The clips will not play in DVD studio Pro. I guess I need to play around with it to see if I can get it to work.