View Full Version : ProRes 422 Decoder now available for Windows and non-FCS2 Macs

Tim Dashwood
September 1st, 2008, 10:06 PM
Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Windows (

Apple ProRes QuickTime Decoder 1.0 for Mac (

This is just the decoder and not the full codec. If you already have Final Cut Studio 2 installed then you don't need to install this decoder.

Now you can export a ProRes422 quicktime from FCP6 and read the file on any Mac or Windows machine with this decoder and Quicktime installed.

Dylan Pank
September 2nd, 2008, 01:22 PM
Cool! However I wish they'd given away the coding side, if only for Macs. I have FCS2 but it would be hand fort another machine to do renders or transcoding and not lock up the primary edit machine.

Heath McKnight
March 2nd, 2009, 09:52 AM
Thanks for this, though I know I am six months late to the game. My boss and I downloaded the update for Windows, but when we tried to install it, the system told us it's already on there. So I'm thinking it's now packaged with QuickTime 7.x updates for Windows and Mac.

On the Final Cut Pro 6.x system, I created a down-converted QuickTime Movie of an XDCAM HD project (1440x1080 to 600x338), and we had no problem opening the QT movie on Windows XP, and we got it open in Premiere Pro CS3.

You rock, Tim!
