Bob Hart
February 7th, 2012, 01:36 PM
Here's a bit of EX1/Letus Extreme footage I shot for a family history project and began to put together untl the editing computer gave up. It is the vision the stills furthur back in this page were extracted from.
Bob Hart
April 1st, 2012, 10:54 AM
To enable someone to have an idea of how some old Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Speed Panchro Series II lenses looked, the only tools I had were the EX1 and Letus Extreme, so I hooked them onto that and shot a test card. the lenses were 50mm and 75mm.
These are early 1950s lenses and damaged ones at that due to fungus from tropical storage. Despite that, they are still not bad but flary, the 75mm more so due to front surface scratches from cleaning. They throw images with no soft corners and the lines are straight. The lenses are physically small compared to stills primes but throw a wide image. The frame grabs are not the best. They are a bit pixellated.