View Full Version : Downconvert to SD with 24F

Kevin Janisch
August 30th, 2008, 07:31 PM
I want to downconvert 24F HD footage to SD via camerafor ease of editing. I want the option to recapture at a later date in HD and swap out the SD for HD in Vegas. I know of GearShift and the 60GB per hour, including Cineform, SD, and Source is just too much when all I need is SD right now. I remember reading in the manual that the XHA1 downconverts to SD 60i for all framerates including 24F.

The way I understand it is that the XHA1 captures true progressive 24F to tape and not 60i. So whats the possibility of using in camera downconverted SD and later substituting the m2t or cineform files without my edits being messed up due to frame rate? Or are there other options? Thanks.


Chris Light
August 31st, 2008, 01:32 AM
you can downconvert to SD in camera when capturing by selecting HD->DownConv "ON" in the menu if you plan on capturing SD to to edit in your NLE. Your tape will remain HD until you decide to turn Down Converting off in your camera to capture in HD later.

Kevin Janisch
August 31st, 2008, 12:32 PM
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply. That is what I'm saying. I want to downconvert to SD within camera upon capture for ease of editing as all I need is SD right now with the option of swapping in the later captured HD. But the XHA1 downconverts native 24F to 60i. Will this affect my later captured HD 24F footage when swapped in?


Bill Pryor
August 31st, 2008, 01:30 PM
I know nothing about Vegas, but when you re-capture as 24P HDV in Final Cut, you would have to do it with a new timeline with the HDV-1080P24 capture and the corresponding new sequence setting as well.

What's the point of capturing SD? Why not just capture as HDV, 24p, and drop the captured footage into an SD 24p timeline? Only downside is you'd have to render the HDV when you put it into an SD timeline, but that doesn't take long and is better than capturing again. Also, with the higher resolution of HDV, you can manipulate the footage quite a bit when you use it as SD, like zoom in to crop somthing out, etc., with no visible deterioration (up to a point--you go too far, it will soften up). I know severl people who shoot and capture HDV, then edit in an SD timeline. But they keep the frame rate the same.

Gregg Havens
August 31st, 2008, 03:26 PM
I do all my camera work in HD. I download and edit in HD in Vegas. Then I render to SD when I am finished with the edit. That way I can use the basic file to render in any manner I wish. I do low res for some online presentations. I use the HD version with media player on a computer hooked up to my HD tv to present in my home or take with me to share with others on computer monitors.

Bill Pryor
August 31st, 2008, 04:29 PM
Will Vegas capture 24F?

Roy Feldman
September 1st, 2008, 05:10 AM
But once captured using HDV split it does fine working with it.

Kevin Janisch
September 2nd, 2008, 03:58 PM
24f and Vegas for me is a no go, it simply crashes Vegas with the native m2t files, so my only option is to cineform the files. I use gearshift and render sd file and HD files, but 60GB per hour is just crazy. I just want to capture SD direct from camera and edit and output SD, with the ability to substitute HD in later. The substitution part is not a problem as Vegas handles this gracefully, but my concern is the capture from 24f to 60i then recapture HDV at 24f, then swap.

The manual states that when the XHA1 downconverts, it goes to 60i no matter what frame rate. Will this mess up my edits when I later swap in 24f HDV capture to Cineform? Thanks.