View Full Version : "Night&Day", Love Story theme clip
Oleg Kalyan August 28th, 2008, 01:36 AM
This was my first job where parts of the story shot with the stedicam, I have to learn the skills..
Appreciate the comments ; )
Travis Cossel August 28th, 2008, 01:57 AM Okay, first I have to ask ... was the tear real or fake? d;-)
As for other comments .. you had a great collection of beautiful shots with plenty of emotion in their faces. I only wish there was more of a story working with the shots, although maybe I'm just missing it. The music at the end faded out too abruptly.
Otherwise though, beautiful images and a very engaging couple.
Oleg Kalyan August 28th, 2008, 02:08 AM Travis, thank you!
The tear was off course real, partly because of a cold wind, part as my directorial approach,
I can't stand fake though, as for a movie approach , it really doesn't matter if the tear is fake in a process of making it, as long as the audience believes, involves in emotional experience, or "suspends the disbelief"!
There is no real story here, it a vignette of images on a love story theme.
I am fixing the music, the encoding cut it short : (
Oleg Kalyan August 28th, 2008, 10:42 PM Unusually quiet on this thread, 55 views, 1 comment ?
If you didn't like it, I would like to hear/read the reasons why?
Is it too dramatic for a wedding video, Love Story?
Feedback appreciated, that's how we grow!
Added slightly modified clip, in .mov (actually .wmv colors seem to me better)
Dawn Brennan August 29th, 2008, 09:07 PM Taking a break from packing to make a comment! I really liked it. Without a story line, it did start to drag a little in the middle, but you had a great collection of amazing shots that kept pulling me back. Those two seemed very natural in front of a camera, which is GREAT for you!
Oleg Kalyan September 3rd, 2008, 04:19 AM Dawn,
appreciate the comment,
still would like to hear more opinions.
Colin McDonald September 5th, 2008, 02:21 PM Unusually quiet on this thread, 55 views, 1 comment ?
If you didn't like it, I would like to hear/read the reasons why?
I've only just seen it, I was away at a wedding when you posted - that's my excuse for not commenting on it.
I like it; with that music it holds together OK. Some great shots and location(s).
Anyway, since when did lack of solid storyline become a reason for not releasing a film?
I've sat through some multi-million dollar films with pretty lousy storylines, and the music video industry would die a death if they had to have coherent storylines. I just enjoyed the combination of well shot images and the music.
Winfried Dobbe September 8th, 2008, 02:36 PM No, it didn't drag for me at all. Good cinematography keeps people attached even when there is little story line. Very well shot but I think you especially directed the couple very well.
The first time I watched it, I thought you could have left out 1 or 2 of the repetitive fly-over shots, but watching it again, I think it fits with the music.
Oleg Kalyan September 9th, 2008, 10:22 AM Dear colleagues, Colin and Winfried, thank you for letting me know what you thought of the video. Appreciate nice words, will keep them as inspiration for future work.