View Full Version : Am I crazy?

Jeff Harper
August 27th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Ok, don't answer that. But if you know the answer to my question, please enlighten me.

When in preview mode in DVDA 4.5 it seems to me I used to be able to resize the area, the panel if you will, that contains the preview window. Am I mistaken? Or have we always had to resized the entire DVDA interface to resize the preview window size?

Edward Troxel
August 27th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Are you talking about when clicking on "Preview" which bring up the screen with the remote on it? Or previewing clips on the main editing screen? I'd have to pull up an older version to really remember but I don't recall clicking on "Preview" really looking any different.

Jeff Harper
August 27th, 2008, 02:51 PM
Yes, with the remote it looks the same as always...but after I reinstalled it recently I couldn't resize the preview window without resizing the whole interface...instead of just being able to adjust the panel...unless you never could, it just seemed to me it was adjustable before, but I cant' remember.

Edward Troxel
August 28th, 2008, 06:49 AM
There's a button above the remote that will let it fill up that entire area (as well as possible given the size of the area and the ratio used). Press it once to stretch it. Press it again to shrink it back down.

Jeff Harper
August 28th, 2008, 08:40 AM
Hi Edward. Thanks, I know the button your talking about: the stretch screen thingy,,,you now how you can adjust the preview window in Vegas by dragging the sides of the panels? That's kind of what I wanted...but I guess it was never there. The more I think aout it the more I suspect I imagined ever being able to do that in Architect.