View Full Version : Ok here's a subjective preset question

Bill Grant
August 26th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Hey Guys,
I have a subjective preset question and want to see if you guys can help me decide what to do. I have been using primarily 2 presets since my relationship with the A1 has begun. Here's my totally non scientific question. When I use VividRGB the picture looks a lot more "HDish" than if I use Trucolor. I like alot of aspects of trucolor and what I can do with it in post, especially in dark situations but I miss that real "HDishy" kind of look. Is there a good middle ground preset that has the HD look but with the lattitude of trucolor. Is this all to do with sharpness or are the other parameters a factor? Thanks in advance for your help. btw I get too wrapped up in shooting usually to constantly be changing presets so I am looking for one I can use all day...

Kiflom Bahta
August 27th, 2008, 12:22 AM
Try Panalook2. I film mostly dark skin ppl and the two presets that i used the most are vivid and panalook2. If it is too redish i knock the reds in the post.