View Full Version : My first request for comment

Kees van Duijvenbode
August 26th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Although I placed several wedding highlights or teasers on Vimeo I never had the courage to mention that here and ask you for your opinion.
Mainly because Dutch weddings are so different from American ones that I think you wouldn't understand the flow.
But my last wedding in August was a combined Dutch and Chinese wedding and as far as I understand American weddings this one was quit comparable.
So I think it is time to ask all you pro's to give me some input to improve myself.

Take a look at You Bon en Daantje on Vimeo ( and tell me what you think please. Don't indulge me but tell me everything that can be done better. I'm not a pro and yust do it as a hobby but it is beginning to grow out of control.

Kees van Duijvenbode
August 27th, 2008, 04:14 AM
Nobody any comment?

Monday Isa
August 27th, 2008, 07:44 AM
Hey Kees,
Looked over your clip and I think the client will be happy with it. There quite a few things I didn't like that happened. First is the shot of the guys walking down the red carpet is to long. Had you gotten more shots of close ups of the feet, rack focus of the heads, and an establishing extreme wide shot you could have moved the beginning along more quickly. Some shots were held to long on this clip. The tracking shot of the bride and groom in the forest was to long and the pan on the table at the reception was just a tad to long. The last thing I'll mention is the shot of the guy doing the push ups would've been better had that been a different angle, boy did he have a wedgy :/ never the less good job and just push for better each job and you'll get there. Thanks for sharing and not being over intimidated to do so. I use to share quite often but recently no one digs sweet 15 videos here anymore so I refrained. Take Care

Monday Isa

Noel Lising
August 27th, 2008, 08:47 AM
Hi Monday,

Would you mind sharing sweet 15 videos? I do Debuts or 18th Birthdays, want to see some fresh ideas.

Thanks in advance.


Monday Isa
August 27th, 2008, 08:50 AM
Hey Noel send me a email. quincevideo at gamil dot com

Kees van Duijvenbode
August 27th, 2008, 03:13 PM
Thanks Monday.