Vishal Gurung
August 24th, 2008, 10:34 PM
Hello all
Haven't edited a wedding in a while so i thought i'd work on my own as it's been a long time coming - Shot by Vivid Motion films with the ceremony and reception at Furry Creek, Squamish B.C
Wedding Trailer on Vimeo (
Feedback welcomed!
Oleg Kalyan
August 25th, 2008, 12:59 AM
It's pretty nice, well done.
couple of things, for improvement,
first off all I've noticed inconsistency in exposure, coloring, some shots are perfectly exposed, some are hot with blowing highlights, colors go a little too, was it on auto?
Some camera moves I found a bit short indecisive for my taste,
dutch tilt, couple of times was not sure if that was intention.
Great soundtrack, goes well with the video,
Overall really good.
Oren Arieli
August 25th, 2008, 09:59 AM
There were some very nice shots in there, but for me, there was no unity between the music and the editing. A faster song would have been a better 'fit', or slowing the shot pace.
Its like being on a motion-simulation ride; your eyes tell you one thing, but your brain says something else.
Vishal Gurung
August 25th, 2008, 12:01 PM
Oleg.. not sure if the cam's were on auto exp. I don't think they would be. Coloring wise, you're right, i've got to do a better job... been a while since i've color corrected.
Oren... you're right in that i didn't really match the cuts to the music .. there were SOME areas where i had the cuts match up but overall i didn't want to use too much slo-mo just so the cuts could match up.. I think it'd be really tough to make everything match on a certain beat tho with this song... what do you think?
Oren Arieli
August 25th, 2008, 05:09 PM
Its not so much a matter of cutting to the beat, that is often a good place to start...but you can bend or break the rules so long as the footage can stand up on its own. My contention is that there is no seeming connection between that song and your edit timing. As an example, throw in a faster-tempo song (without making any edit changes). If it flows better, then you're on the right track.
I'm sure others would disagree, its just my preference for having a faster pace when the music warrants it.
Pete Cofrancesco
August 25th, 2008, 10:25 PM
nice over all but too long for my tastes. if this is for self promotion for your editing rather than for yourself then I would remove all weak shots and cut it down to a minute and a half at longest. didn't like transition from the music to the vows. i would only use the music. you could use a camera stabilizer filter on many of the shots or just remove them.
Vishal Gurung
August 26th, 2008, 12:41 AM
appreciate all the constructive feedback - Not really a self promotion as you can tell i'm looking to improve upon my editing rather than say 'oh look at my glorious (or in this case perhaps not so glorious) cuts etc etc.
Mainly had it this long as i'm going to Europe in a couple weeks and i had family from there attending the wedding so i wanted to do a trailer for them to watch online rather then convert a dvd to PAL.
Pete, you're right about the music to the vows thing.. thought to myself it cut off at a rather strange part - i might reedit it.