View Full Version : Hello from Poland

Jacek Drofiak
August 24th, 2008, 01:12 PM
I'm from Warsaw, I'm camera crane, stedicam operator and 2d/3d graphic/compositing. Camera Crane is own construction build together with my father. My steadicam it is floatcam pro fc9 ( FloatCam ( ) I have sony Fx1 camera, I start create Films in 2004-5 and now I'm a frelancer.

My ShowReel
YouTube - showreel - Jacek Drofiak (
Jacek Drofiak Show Reel HD on Vimeo (
or donwdload in xvid 1280x720, 78.81MB

My Old Graphic ShwoReel
YouTube - DemoReel (
DemoReel on Vimeo (
or download qt 1280x720, 57.87MB

and intresting project from Poland, Flying Camera build by Artur Gajdziński, Arutr is Helicopter pilot and I'm redio control camera operator.

YouTube - Flying Camera from Poland new (
Flying camera from poland on Vimeo (
or download xvid 1280x720, 164.35MB

Few days ago my letus come to Poland and I did some test it with camera crane and stedicam.
YouTube - Letus 35 Extreme Test by Jacek Drofiak (

few photos (



Stuart Graham
August 24th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Hi Jacek

Welcome to the group!

That steadicam does a very good job, was it expensive?

I have a homemade one which works fairly well but it's not great. I also made a homemade Dolly and track which functions pretty well. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures, I'll try to get some during the shooting of my next film.

Love the helicopter footage, it's pretty smooth too, do you have a stabiliser built into the helicopter?

I'm directing a new film and would love to have helicopter footage in the opening credits, I imagine it's pretty expensive to hire mini helicopters though!

The crane is very impressive, that's some construction!

I was hoping to get a Z1 is the FX1 better?

Wish you were in England would love to have you as DOP!

Jacek Drofiak
August 24th, 2008, 04:00 PM
FC-9 FloatCam Pro with cost about 2 750,00 €
I Poland I pay 10 000zl
Floatcam Pro UK - the alternative Steadicam Stabilizer System now available in the UK (

In helicopter, camera in six different directions held in place by a gyroscope.
Yes it's pretty expensive, becosue to do takes like tihis is very difficulty, it demanding a lot of equipment (helicopter and camera it is ony about 1/5 of necessary equipment) It is demanding many skills of pilot and a lot together work experience from pilot and camera operator.

Of coruse Z1 is better becuse it has xlr and more picture controls, sensor is the same in both.
I bought Fx1 becouse was cheaper.

"Wish you were in England would love to have you as DOP!"
thank's, now in Poland movie market put up fast, so I don't plan going to abroad.

Paul Kellett
August 25th, 2008, 04:23 AM
I just watched your vimeo clips, excellent stuff, all of it.
The helicopter shooting, that was something i was thinking about a while ago, my dad was flying model heli's a lot once. It's like steadicam but at a whole new level.
Can you tell me a bit more about that set up or point me to a website with some pictures of the device.
What size was the helicopter ? A 60 size i guess ? What does the whole thing weigh ?


Stuart Graham
August 25th, 2008, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the info Jacek.

Think at that price I'll stick with my homemade steadicam for now. But the Floatcam does seem good value for what you get. The footage is very smooth with it.

Good luck with your filming

Jacek Drofiak
August 25th, 2008, 12:47 PM
The advantages of this helicopter are:
all-up weight of 23 kg
the ability to stay in the air for 40 minutes
possibility of filming in the digital and 35mm(arii 2c)

The helicopter is operated by two people:
The pilot and the camera operator who has the ability to operate the camera in six different directions held in place by a gyroscope. The operator can control the images on the screen all the time.

in this www are some photos, photos are only in polish version, the english wasn't update for about 2yers.
zdj?cia z powietrza,zdj?cia i filmy lotnicze,zdj?cia z lotu ptaka,helicam,ART CAM - Artur Gajdzi?ski (

"Good luck with your filming: