View Full Version : Timecode display

Roy Feldman
August 22nd, 2008, 12:29 PM
My timecode display shows the time of each clip. Is there a setting that if I shoot 2.5 minutes will show 2.5 then when I shoot 1 minute more will show 3.5, another minute 4.5? Or does it always reset upon new clip?

Adrian Bordeleau
August 22nd, 2008, 12:59 PM
There is an option in the menu to select continuous timecode. I don't have the camera in front of me, but it is pretty easy to find.

Bill Pryor
August 22nd, 2008, 05:09 PM
Continuous time code is the default, I think. I didn't know you could change it to reset on each clip. That's strange, and would be an editing nightmare.

Allan Black
August 22nd, 2008, 05:46 PM
Yeah it would Bill. Seems the default is [REC-RUN] continuous t/c only when recording.

Roy, there's 3 t/c options altogether, the others are on P39.

[REC-RUN PS] t/c starts from a preset power up, go into the menu, set a t/c value and when you press record, t/c runs till you stop recording. Looks like if you don't set a value it defaults to zero. IMO that's what your A1 is presently set at.

Anyone see a perceived use for that one with the A1?

[FREE-RUN] t/c runs *regardless of the operation* of the would that be from power up to power down? Or does it run regardless, till it hits 24:00:00:00 then starts again?

Maybe it also defaults to zero if you turned the power off during a shoot. Anyone see a use for that one?

P39 says "External t/c will be displayed in blue" ...? Isn't that only for the G1?


Bill Pryor
August 23rd, 2008, 11:07 AM
True, if you don't set a value it starts at zero, but mine starts over at zero any time I put a new tape in, not for every clip. I can start at zero or set it for tape 1, 2, whatever. But I often just let it start at zero. I still don't see how it would reset for every clip.

David Thanh
August 23rd, 2008, 02:21 PM
Free Run is supposed to start counting from the time you set it to Free Run until the end of time regardless if the camera is powered on or not or even if the battery is in the camera (at least according to the VAAST DVD). This mode should eliminate any time code errors encountered through the duplication of time codes when the tape is changed and the time code reset on a large project.