Heath McKnight
August 20th, 2008, 05:18 PM
Hey guys,
Just letting everyone know I've put the all the webisodes I created from my feature film, 9:04 AM, up on YouTube:
YouTube - mpsdigital's Channel (http://www.youtube.com/mpsdigital)
I'm going to work on a special premiere on YouTube, which I recently heard about (YouTube - Screening Room (http://www.youtube.com/ytscreeningroom)).
Thanks for watching!
Bill Thesken
August 21st, 2008, 03:29 PM
Heath, this is a cool show. Some very funny scenes. Do you mind if I ask what settings do you render to get the smooth look?
Heath McKnight
August 22nd, 2008, 02:00 PM
The overall smooth look, or the scene where the two main characters are walking? We shot on a Z1u in HDV, 50i with CineFrame 25. When I was finished with the rough cut in Final Cut Pro, I used Photo Jpeg at 75% quality in QuickTime Compression settings (YCbCr, no drop in actual quality), per Graeme Nattress' suggestion, then I converted to 23.98 fps in Cinema Tools. Later, I used ProRes 422 instead.
For the walking scene, it was originally handheld, then I used Smoothcam which made it look completely steady, like we used Steadicam.
The film is a feature, but I decided to try it out in webisode form, releasing a two new webisodes every week for 2 months or so. I put it up on YouTube due to extremely popular demand, which made the production team happy.
Tim Dashwood
August 22nd, 2008, 09:05 PM
This is a great idea Heath. Have you figured out how to use YouTube's new "HD" format feature? It isn't really HD resolution but it is "High Quality" encoded.
Heath McKnight
August 23rd, 2008, 02:32 PM
Tim! Long time now talk. I'll email you privately to talk about things. Anyway, tell me more about the YouTube HD feature.