View Full Version : Logged in... or not?

Ervin Farkas
August 18th, 2008, 10:31 AM
I am logged in, and I can post - despite the fact that the front page asks me to log in and shows the big locks next to each fora.

It's probably just another hiccup due to the move... I just thought I notify you Chris.

Chris Hurd
August 18th, 2008, 10:56 AM
Well that can't be right. Does it persist after reloading the page?

Ervin Farkas
August 18th, 2008, 11:05 AM
There was no change even after reloading the page several times.

Now it's working fine.

James McBoyle
August 19th, 2008, 04:20 AM
I've found that after I log in correctly the front page shows as though I've failed to log in, even after forcing a refresh. However, once I navigate to any thread everything is displayed correctly, including the front page once I navigate back to it. This only started happening last week.

George Kroonder
August 19th, 2008, 08:44 AM
I am logged in, and I can post - despite the fact that the front page asks me to log in and shows the big locks next to each fora.

This happens if you omit the "www." in It will show you the front page with "locked" fora/fori/forums (???).

However all the forum links are to So if you have previously saved your login "cookie" for that it will just work.

Type the "www." and you will get the forum list without locks.

Also Google uses deeplinks without the "www.", so if I follow links from google (which occasionally happens), I'm not logged on (with the saved login).


P.S. I cannot login to the "without www.", as the login form also redirects to the "www" host and logs me in there, then returns me to the non-www, still "logged out".

P.P.S. You must really bookmark or follow a non-www page link. If you just type in the browsers' address bar, it redirects to www.dvinfo.... Delete the "www." part from the address bar when on the main page to replicate.

Boyd Ostroff
August 19th, 2008, 03:08 PM
This happens if you omit the "www." in

This is an old bug which I mentioned quite some time ago. Evidently it doesn't affect all browsers from what I have heard. But using Safari on the Mac it certainly does. See what happens to you:

example 1: you need to register:

example 2: welcome!

Pretty strange... but definitely not a new problem...

George Kroonder
August 19th, 2008, 04:22 PM
I've confirmed this on Mac (Firefox 2/3) and Windows IE7. I think it has to do with the login cookies using the full hostname, so they are not valid on for the url that just uses the domain name.

Not sure if this is configurable or just a board (software) "problem".

If it wasn't for the deep links in Google it's pretty hard to get to the "wrong" url anyway.


Ervin Farkas
August 19th, 2008, 08:23 PM
I am on IE7 as well.

Seems to be an intermittent issue though - I've been using the same address (saved in Favorites) for years and I never saw it until two days ago.

George Kroonder
August 20th, 2008, 04:16 AM
As I believe it has to do with inherent browser security - "other sites" not being able to read your saved login data - it should be consistent behaviour and it has been in my experience.

I've noticed it first months ago after following a Google deeplink, and just adjusted the address bar (or used any on-page link) to rectify when needed.

The only way to prevent this is to stop using the www-less and do "302 - permanently moved" redirects from the server. That won't break links, but will straigten out the "problem" (which is really minor IMHO).

I don't know if the board software Chris is using can do any more than it already does or if the nginx sever/proxy can do rewrites. If there is a proxy and the backend is running apache it may be possible to do rewrites there.

But I'm a mere user here so I don't really know much about Chris' setup.


Chris Hurd
August 22nd, 2008, 05:38 AM
Obviously we're still sorting out some wrinkles as far as the www and non-www URL's go.

We'll have them shaken out directly... thanks for your patience,