View Full Version : SM Ultra 2 and XH-A1

Guy Shaddock
August 16th, 2008, 11:40 AM
I have spent a frustrating amount of time trying to get my Serious Magic Ultra 2 to work with HDV. The program "claims" to work with HD but I've never been able to get it to work since buying my XH-A1. The closet I've come to anything that even gets close has audio and video play back problems. The audio is out of sync and playback to the m2t file is jerky.

Is there a way to make this work? The HD footage in front of a green screen seems to create a great key! I've used Edius Broadcast's chromakeying function which is good but has limited control. It seems that Edius doesn't deal with alpha channels too well so my preference is to get Ultra 2 to work for my chromakeying stuff.

Phil Taylor
August 17th, 2008, 10:04 AM
Ultra 2.0 will not work with HDV. You need the nex version (upgrade?). I don't know what you ieve you can download a trial version.

Phil Taylor
August 17th, 2008, 10:10 AM
Perhaps I should take back my statement. I have and use Ultra 2 but it will not work with HDV. When Adobe bought out Serious Magic Adobe changed things. The SM support for DV Rack and Ultra was excellent but try to get the same out of Adobe.


Guy Shaddock
August 17th, 2008, 03:46 PM
Yes, I've read the Ultra 2 works with HDV I just can't get it to work. Probably a driver thing or something.
I purchased Ultra 2 just a couple of months before Adobe bought them out. I blame Serious Magic too for the lack of support. I am sure the buy out was in the works when they offered to include one of the Master Sets as an incentive to purchase Ultra 2. Two months later the announcement was made. Adobe says they don't support Ultra 2 any more.
There should be a law against this kind of trickery. I believe auto makers have to provide parts for many years after a product is dissolved.