View Full Version : Help with slo-mo quality

Ben Lynn
August 15th, 2008, 07:22 PM
I'm having a problem with ghosting of my slo-mo footage. Here's a sample:

You can see that there is a ghosting effect happening in the areas of too much motion. It doesn't happen in the raw file:

Any ideas on how I can eliminate this for clean slo-mo?

Here's my workflow: Shot on JVC HD100 at 30p. Editing with Vegas 7 (I have 8 but I'm not sure about it's stability) .m2t file encoded to intermediate file for editing. It looks great at this point. Select properties, playback rate set to .250. At this point the footage looks totally clean in the preview window. Slo-mo and no ghosting. I render the file and then the ghosting appears. I've rendered to intermediate files and it's still there. It's almost like Vegas is creating the effect on it's own.

Help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(I'll be off my computer for the next two days so if I don't get back with you right away, I will as soon as I can)

Dennis Murphy
August 15th, 2008, 08:13 PM
You need to film in 30i.
Progressive will never look as good in slo-mo as interlaced.

Jack Zhang
August 15th, 2008, 08:36 PM
Turn off resampling to eliminate ghosting. Click on the clip in the timeline and right-click and select properties. In there, select "Disable resample".

Ben Lynn
August 17th, 2008, 07:25 PM
Thanks Jack,

I just got back and made the adjustment. It worked great. Took care of all the ghosting.
