View Full Version : "ClipWrap" m2t to Quicktime HDV wrapper NOW AVAILABLE!

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Joni Partanen
August 22nd, 2008, 01:38 PM
When I use ClipWrap I can see the blue bar going till about 20% and then it halts but when I look at the output file is seems to just get larger and larger. Even 3 times the size of the original file. With another file it stops at 70% I tried with two different files, both a 30p 720 HDV m2t file.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

MPEG Streamclip can use the file without any problems.

I use an iMac G5 with FCP installed

Tim Dashwood
August 22nd, 2008, 02:18 PM
When I use ClipWrap I can see the blue bar going till about 20% and then it halts but when I look at the output file is seems to just get larger and larger. Even 3 times the size of the original file. With another file it stops at 70% I tried with two different files, both a 30p 720 HDV m2t file.

Any ideas on what could be wrong?

MPEG Streamclip can use the file without any problems.

I use an iMac G5 with FCP installed
Have you run the update to v1.0.1. Your file may have a break in it. v1.0.1 addresses this issue.

Joni Partanen
August 22nd, 2008, 02:38 PM
Have you run the update to v1.0.1. Your file may have a break in it. v1.0.1 addresses this issue.

Yes, I'm using the latest version, 1.0.1

Tim Dashwood
August 22nd, 2008, 03:22 PM
Yes, I'm using the latest version, 1.0.1

Do you have a Intel system to try it on?

Joni Partanen
August 22nd, 2008, 03:48 PM
Do you have a Intel system to try it on?

Unfortunately I don't. I could upload the video file if needed for analyzing.

Tim Dashwood
August 22nd, 2008, 08:59 PM
Unfortunately I don't. I could upload the video file if needed for analyzing.

Please do. I'm sure Mike would like to analyze your file.
Do you have a ftp server?

Joni Partanen
August 25th, 2008, 02:25 PM
Please do. I'm sure Mike would like to analyze your file.
Do you have a ftp server?

I've uploaded the file to Mike to be analyzed.

Greg E. Smith
August 25th, 2008, 04:06 PM
I have found a few files from my JVC 250 camera (720p60) captured on the DR-HD100 (.m2t) that caused similar issues within ClipWrap.
When processing they show no progress past a certain point, but the file created keeps getting larger and larger.

As a test I took them into MPEG Streamclip and fixed timecode breaks and they all worked fine thereafter.
Unfortunately, since I don't know ahead of time which clips will need further attention I can't use ClipWrap unattended.

Mike Woodworth
August 26th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Hey guys,

We've gotten the first clips in that exhibit this problem, a few more are coming by carrier pigeon as we speak. Once we have some of these hangers in the test suite, it should be a matter of days before we can get a fix out.

Thanks for your patience.

Greg E. Smith
September 17th, 2008, 01:44 PM

Been a while since this was discussed, any news on the fix?

Robert Bale
September 24th, 2008, 06:07 AM
Hi Mike,

I wanted to know if your close to putting out a update that can handle large 1hr file. It would be good if you could get it to fix the time code.

I am finding this software no good if i am capturing a full tape , with multible takes.


Kevin Shaw
September 24th, 2008, 07:59 AM
Out of curiosity, can ClipWrap work in reverse to convert Quicktime HD files to standard M2T format for transfer to a PC?

Greg Corke
September 24th, 2008, 01:19 PM
Hi Robert,

I also have this issue. I have many tapes that I have captured using dvhscap and are now huge 8gig files. Clipwrap doesn't seem to want to deal with these. When I hit convert clipwrap seems to stop processing at around the 20% and 70% mark. Unfortunately I tested Clipwrap some files created on my Firestore which it handled effortlessly.

Mike it would be great if this could be fixed in an update, any news?


Daniel Weber
September 24th, 2008, 02:33 PM
Out of curiosity, can ClipWrap work in reverse to convert Quicktime HD files to standard M2T format for transfer to a PC?

Compressor does this very nicely.

Daniel Weber

Kevin Shaw
September 24th, 2008, 02:41 PM
Compressor does this very nicely.

Daniel Weber

Thanks Daniel. Someone told me he was having trouble doing this, so I don't know what the problem was there - unless it had something to do with using a Matrox card on the PC.

Robert Bale
September 24th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Hi Robert,

I also have this issue. I have many tapes that I have captured using dvhscap and are now huge 8gig files. Clipwrap doesn't seem to want to deal with these. When I hit convert clipwrap seems to stop processing at around the 20% and 70% mark. Unfortunately I tested Clipwrap some files created on my Firestore which it handled effortlessly.

Mike it would be great if this could be fixed in an update, any news?


Hi Greg, i am looking at getting either the New FS-5, or the JVC MR-HD100, so r u saying that when u use the firestore drive files (mt2) and convert them to QT with Clipwrap it works fine. Even if your capturing a long edit, or say 1hr ?

Greg Corke
September 25th, 2008, 03:29 PM
Hi Robert,

Clip wrap seems to work fine on the short files from my firestore although none of these are longer than two or three minutes. However, I have footage on tape which after capturing with dvhscap are huge 8gig files which I can't seem to get clipwrap to convert. I really hope they sort this out soon.


Steven Plaisance
September 29th, 2008, 12:15 PM
I originally bought clipwrap because I was having problems capturing HDV with FCP. Whenever there was any sort of dropout/tape abnormality FCP would break what should have been one coniuios 1 hour file into many ifles and missing setcions of video that I could not for the life of me capture.

I do have to digitize my footage using DVHSCap as a m2t file then use clipwrap to make it a useable QT file for FCP editing.

Soemwhere in the process my audio shifts. Not sure what program is doing it but when I import my QT into FCP and put it on the time line my audio is shifted. I have checked for drop/non drop frame issues and have not come up with why my audio shifts. The audio is fin at the begining of the cip but by the end is off by a few seconds. So, sounds like a drop frame issues, but how do I fix this and has anyone else seen anything like this and know the solution???

Robert Bale
September 30th, 2008, 04:50 AM
I originally bought clipwrap because I was having problems capturing HDV with FCP. Whenever there was any sort of dropout/tape abnormality FCP would break what should have been one coniuios 1 hour file into many ifles and missing setcions of video that I could not for the life of me capture.

I do have to digitize my footage using DVHSCap as a m2t file then use clipwrap to make it a useable QT file for FCP editing.

Soemwhere in the process my audio shifts. Not sure what program is doing it but when I import my QT into FCP and put it on the time line my audio is shifted. I have checked for drop/non drop frame issues and have not come up with why my audio shifts. The audio is fin at the begining of the cip but by the end is off by a few seconds. So, sounds like a drop frame issues, but how do I fix this and has anyone else seen anything like this and know the solution???

Hey steve,

we are all have the same issue, the only thing is if you are doing a long capture is to use stream-clip. we are waiting on the guys at clipwrap to do a update that will handle time code breaks.

Mike Woodworth
October 2nd, 2008, 08:50 AM
Hey everyone... we've been hard at work trying to fix these sync issues. Yesterday we posted 1.0.2 which addresses all the sync issues we can recreate in house. If you still have clips that convert out of sync (or any other problems) the best thing to do is contact me directly so we can arrange a way to get us a copy of the problem files. With the files in house, these things tend to be an easy fix.


mike [at] divergentmedia [dot] com

David Knaggs
October 7th, 2008, 05:47 AM
Firstly, I think Mike's done a great job fixing the sync problems with the latest version.

I now have found a problem trying to send (from the FCP timeline) individual clips (converted with ClipWrap) to Soundtrack Pro for audio file editing. In both 24p and 25p. But I'm wondering whether it's simply a problem with my system and not a ClipWrap problem at all. There's no problem when I send natively captured (through FCP) HDV clips to Soundtrack Pro from the FCP timeline. But I'm not able to do it with a ClipWrap HDV clip. I simply get a "General Error" message.

Has anyone had success sending ClipWrap HDV clips from the timeline to Soundtrack Pro in 24p or 25p?

Gary Nattrass
October 13th, 2008, 06:10 PM
Hi I am in the UK and shoot everything in 1080i 50i and use clipwrap as my workflow from Z7 and S270 compact flash shooting into final cut studio 2. Tape is for back-up and has been useful when a couple of small problems have happened but clipwrap is working so good it may be obsolete or just to give to clients for safety.

I have to say that I have had two problems and Mike has fixed these within days so you can not wish for a better software development service. Bear in mind that I am in the UK and so far my final cut sony plug in has never worked since I got the Z7 6 months ago and sony still have no fix.

I used to work for AMS Neve as software support for AudioFile and Logic (DFC) consoles so I know what it is like at the front end of new software development.

This software is now working great on version 1.0.2 and all my final edits are exported via OMF 2 to pro tools LE with dv toolkit 2 for dubbing and I have no problems with any audio.

I dont tend to use soundtrack pro as it is full of bugs and doesnt have the pro dubbing features that pro tools has so sorry I cant advise on that but if it is going from CF m2t to QT .mov to OMF .aiff and then to AIFF out of pro tools as a master mix then I am sure that Mikes software is working fine. All cross fades and level adjustments are going across Ok too from CF to FCP to PT LE.

I then drop the master mix AIFF onto the final cut timeline and it is sync perfect every time. The master picture and sound is then exported from FCP ST2 as pro res 422 1080i 25p.

Thanks to Mike for a great piece of software that is making my workflow a dream to work with, we are shooting so fast now for our IPTV station that I have total confidence in our workflow from camera all the way to pro res delivery.

Hope to meet you someday Mike and keep up the good work.


P.S Could this be added to the Z7/S270 section as a sticky as there are a few more people who cant use the sony log and transfer plug in.

John-Paul Bonadonna
October 17th, 2008, 07:32 AM
Would anyone care to comment about the noise which we've identified as present in all audio capture with the DR hard drive when recording to QT? Does capture to m2t as opposed to QT .mov eliminate this noise (which is NOT present on ProHD tapes!) If some, I'd assume we are going to purchase this product! (if we don't return the hard drive!)

Philip Gioja
October 28th, 2008, 06:08 PM
It's sick how fast this ClipWrap program is. I'm working on a project a friend of mine shot on his FS with JVC HD100, and I was using streamclip... this is way cool. Thanks guys.

Philip Gioja
October 28th, 2008, 06:25 PM
One thing that might be a nice feature down the road would be to be able to set multiple destination points for imported clips. We have a ton of footage in several folders and it'd be nice to be able to send batches to different folders - similar to the way compressor does it. Not critical but just a thought.

Dennis St. John
October 30th, 2008, 12:09 AM
First off, I have a Sony HVR-Z7U and using FCP.

Ok, ClipWrap was working great for all my needs, until I got out on a shoot today and ended up shooting a few segments about 1 hour each in contiguous length.

The problem is that there are multiple m2t files in one contiguous recording, and when I try to splice the files together, I'm not having a lot of luck. For me, the first two frames of any file I ClipWrap are unusable. They are basically garbled.

Has anyone had any luck in working with longer recordings (longer than 20 or so minutes - due to the 4GB filesize limitation) and the Sony Memory Recording Unit HVR-MRC1 that comes with the HVR-Z7U?


Steve Mullen
October 31st, 2008, 02:47 AM
Yesterday we posted 1.0.2 which addresses all the sync issues we can recreate in house.

I Mike we emailed a while ago about your supporting 1920x1080 TOD (.m2ts) MPEG-2 files. Any news? Now that VisualHub has gone out of business, the JVC camcorders have only Streamclip!

David Scattergood
November 20th, 2008, 09:16 AM

I've just this afternoon downloaded Clipwrap (the trial for the time being at least).
Impressed with the speed of the convert!
However, I was wondering if this can be used in anyway for overcranking - I usually used the following workflow:

DVHSCAP > Mpegstreamslip > Conform to 25 (when recording with HDV-SD50p)

TO my eyes...and unless I've done something drastically wrong, the resulting footage has deteriorated pretty badly - one of the reasons I rarely use the method (saying that, I've seen it done much better on some of your posts in the 'show your work' section).
I was hoping clipwrap might generate much cleaner footage, but I cannot seemingly have FCP injest the .mov files originated as HDV-SD50p footage: I get a black image (which requires rendering - which I cannot they carry out due to a codec incorrect message) although the audio is carried through (720p25 works a treat however).

Apologies if this has already been discussed...I've had a good route through this thread and others to little avail.

Tim Dashwood
November 20th, 2008, 09:42 AM
Unfortunately the Quicktime HDV codec doesn't support 576p50 or 480p60 so it must be transcoded into another codec like PhotoJpeg. Clipwrap simply wraps 720p or 1080i/p into Quicktime using the HDV codec so it won't be able to work with 576p or 480p HDV.

BTW the HDV codec won't allow speed conforming in Cinema Tools so if you want to overcrank (even 720p60) you must transcode to an all I-frame codec like ProRes422 or PhotoJpeg.

David Scattergood
November 20th, 2008, 10:06 AM
Unfortunately the Quicktime HDV codec doesn't support 576p50 or 480p60 so it must be transcoded into another codec like PhotoJpeg. Clipwrap simply wraps 720p or 1080i/p into Quicktime using the HDV codec so it won't be able to work with 576p or 480p HDV.

That will explain that! Thanks Tim.

BTW the HDV codec won't allow speed conforming in Cinema Tools so if you want to overcrank (even 720p60) you must transcode to an all I-frame codec like ProRes422 or PhotoJpeg.

Cheers Tim - I'd been using your overcranking post ( ) for some time - invaluable as always.
Not entirely convinced by the quality of the footage - it somehow appears grainy, although to be fair the majority of 'slow mo' I show was never in the best light.

Essentially then, as most of my projects will be either on the web or DVD, does clipwrap become a much better workflow both quality wise and time wise? It's a breeze to use.

Gary Nattrass
November 30th, 2008, 04:19 AM
I am still using clipwrap for all the projects we are doing for our IPTV station.

In nearly two months I have not had a single problem with any clips and the workflow is perfect and very efficient.

I am shooting on a sony S270 and Z7 using the compact flash as the main source with tape as a back-up. We have even done small jobs with no tape as the workflow is pretty bomb proof.

I shoot at 1080i 50i and import to FCP via clipwrap, once editing has finished all masters are exported as pro res 422 1920x1080 at 25p.

Tim Dashwood
February 3rd, 2009, 12:36 PM
New in 1.1:

-No longer requires Final Cut Pro to be installed on the re-wrap machine
-Adds transcode to AIC, ProRes 422, DVCProHD, and Avid DNxHD.
-Now works with Final Cut Pro/Express, iMovie, Avid or any other QT app on any machine!
-Adds down sampling to DV
-Fixes issues with a/v sync on some clips captured from tape

ClipWrap (

To use HDV or DVCProHD Quicktime files on a mac that doesn't have FCP installed you will need to download and install the new open-source codecs found here.

Greg Corke
February 4th, 2009, 04:19 PM
Sorry Tim just wanted to post this in the main forum area rather than the Clipwrap sticky so others who may miss your post can be aware.

Well a little while back I had kind of given up on clipwrap as, although it handled my firestore files in efficeint fasion it stumbled with the stuff I had converted from tape with mpeg streamclip. At the time I did tell Mike who asked me send him a sample of the problem files (which due to my laziness I never did) and he would try and fix it.

Anyway, Cut along story short, just opened it up today after stumbling upon Tim's most recent post and downloaded the update. It now seems to work fine with hour long tapes with time code breaks, plays fine in Quicktime. Still yet to try it in FCP but it looks like they've cracked it.

I must admit that the effective way it dealt with my Fire store files impressed me, even with the tape problem but it seems this really is a must have piece of software for anyone with HD100 footage converted from tape.

Many thanks to Tim and Mike


Chris Hurd
February 4th, 2009, 06:09 PM
...ust wanted to post this in the main forum area rather than the Clipwrap sticky so others who may miss your post can be aware.Err... the whole point of a sticky is that it isn't missed... Threads merged,

Robert Rogoz
February 6th, 2009, 12:44 AM
I wonder how long can we keep on using Firestore? Looks like new Macbook pro doesn't even have firewire 400!

Jack Walker
February 6th, 2009, 07:53 PM
I wonder how long can we keep on using Firestore? Looks like new Macbook pro doesn't even have firewire 400!
By using the correct cable, Firewire 800 is backward compatible with Firewire 400.

Nick Papadopoulos
February 9th, 2009, 11:57 AM
i bought clipwrap... seems great for getting the files into fcp. But i'm still having trouble finding a tape workflow that works and has the ability to recapture.

Any suggested workflows? No budget for tapeless solutions at the moment... especially during this crisis!

Nick Papadopoulos
February 9th, 2009, 05:08 PM
from a jvc gy-hd100 to a one hour tape (prohd from jvc) captured through dvhscap and wrapped with clipwrap... problem:

out of sync audio... its a steady drift of around 4 frames.... original m2t does not have this problem..

could it be that it still needs bugfixing? when i capture with fcp (with all the problems associated with this method) the audio is fine...

Greg Corke
February 17th, 2009, 04:21 PM
Hi Nick,

I have done the same with my footage and as yet have not noticed anything like that. At what point do you notice the drift e.g. playing the footage back in the viewer, canvas or both.

My current workflow as follows

1)1hour prohd tape recording HDV 24p
2)captured via dvhscap
3)dowloaded onto my system drive via external
3a)at this point I had to change my file extensions to .m2t as for some strange reason they were from my external drive. If I did not do this Clipwrap would not accept them.
4)rewrapped continuous 8gig file using clipwrap
5)saved onto my scratch disk
i6)mport into fcp using easy set up HDV 24p setting
7)then creating smaller clips using Masterclip/Subclip

So far this seems to work


John-Paul Bonadonna
March 4th, 2009, 09:44 AM
from a jvc gy-hd100 to a one hour tape (prohd from jvc) captured through dvhscap and wrapped with clipwrap... problem:

out of sync audio... its a steady drift of around 4 frames.... original m2t does not have this problem..

could it be that it still needs bugfixing? when i capture with fcp (with all the problems associated with this method) the audio is fine...

I also seem to be having this issue - original version of ClipWrap was dead-on in terms of sync. I am getting a 4 to 7 frame drift. Anyone???

Terry VerHaar
April 7th, 2009, 12:36 PM
So - I feel like I have been living on another planet. Seems like everyone else has been having the JVC 720p24 to Final Cut Pro problems that I just discovered. I get it that ClipWrap is the way to get good files for FCP editing but I am still unclear on how to get the video off the tape to the m2t files. I am having problems with lots of clips and weird timecode. Do I understand that ScopeBox can capture m2t from my tapes? Something else? What is the latest, greatest workflow?

David Knaggs
April 7th, 2009, 03:18 PM
I am still unclear on how to get the video off the tape to the m2t files.

Hi Terry.

See my answer to your post over on the Mac forum:

Terry VerHaar
April 7th, 2009, 03:26 PM
Hi Terry.

See my answer to your post over on the Mac forum:

David - Thanks very, very much. I am starting to wrap my head around the various options, thanks to your input. I guess I am a little spoiled since most things in the DV world have just worked.


Tim Dashwood
April 7th, 2009, 05:14 PM
The HDVxDV demo also works for capturing m2t, as well as the Focus DR-HD100. For best results don't capture over start/stop breaks.

Terry VerHaar
April 8th, 2009, 09:27 AM
The HDVxDV demo also works for capturing m2t, as well as the Focus DR-HD100. For best results don't capture over start/stop breaks.

Thanks for the info, Tim. Why does no one ever mention the MR-HD100, just the DR version? I actually just bought an MR but haven't yet had the time to try it out. Can I assume that will work, too?

(By the way - your JVC ProHD DVD has been a big boost to my learning curve!)


Tim Dashwood
April 8th, 2009, 06:03 PM
The MR-HD100 is to the FS-5 what the DR-HD100 is to the FS-4. Since the MR-HD100 and FS-5 are relatively new to the market there haven't been many first-hand accounts.
I don't own one. Maybe you could start a new thread and let us know your impressions when you try it out. I'm particularly interested in the wifi interface.

Tim Dashwood
April 14th, 2009, 02:30 PM
New in 1.1.1

Converts files without HDV aux packs (it will now properly convert files from DVRs or other applications - assuming they are Mpeg2/m2a streams)

Now properly detects alternate packet sizes - we can now open some TOD and m2t recordings from terrestrial or satellite sources

Now parses timecode in mpeg streams not originating from HDV cameras

Fixes issues with a/v sync on 24P/F clips from some cameras

If you have an internet connection, ClipWrap should auto update next time you launch. If not, you can grab it here: 1.1.1.dmg

Robert Rogoz
April 19th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Tim, does it mean I could re-wrap files from GZ7? Thanks

Matias Baridon
July 9th, 2009, 11:16 AM
Clipwrap misses my first second or so of video. I have this clio that a lady starts talking as soon as the clio starts, after re-wrapping I miss where she starts speaking... The clip is trimmed.

Is there any way to avoid this?

Nick Gordon
July 11th, 2009, 04:36 AM
Clipwrap misses my first second or so of video. I have this clio that a lady starts talking as soon as the clio starts, after re-wrapping I miss where she starts speaking... The clip is trimmed.

Is there any way to avoid this?

Can't think of one. You could try MPEG Streamclip instead - it transcodes rather than just re-wrapping, but it transcodes to (among others) ProRes422, so you don't lose quality.

It's free as well.