View Full Version : anyone with pdw-u1 & Sony Vegas?

Uli Mors
August 12th, 2008, 12:48 AM

I just received an upgraded U1 - works fine with pdz1 , but I cant manage to write back any format to disk thru Vegas (8 build 217)

Any help?


Mike Watson
August 12th, 2008, 05:12 PM
If it won't work on mac, and won't work on Vegas... tell me again what we were waiting for?

Eugene Kosarovich
August 12th, 2008, 11:48 PM
When I try to send a clip to disc with Vegas Pro 8 I get "Unexpected Error with XDCAM device."

When I simply drag and drop a clip in Windows to the drive, by dragging a MXF clip to the Clips folder, the access lights on the drive look like it is working for the appropriate amount of time, but in the end, NOTHING appears to have actually transfered to the Professional Disc.

Quite disappointing.

Is there any way we can report these results to Sony???

The only thing that does work is that I am now able to set the name of the disc from the computer.

Uli Mors
August 13th, 2008, 02:01 AM
I managed to make a complete disk copy , also PDZ1 software works fine.

To me it looks like Vegas causes a verify error , I am investigating...


Eugene Kosarovich
August 13th, 2008, 10:32 AM
Does drag and drop work in Windows for you or isn't that a way that should work? Wouldn't one just drag and drop to the Clips folder on the disc? Or is there a way to do simple clip copies to disc with the PDZ1 software instead?

Eugene Kosarovich
August 14th, 2008, 09:57 PM
OK, totally rewriting this post based on some new testing results.

The error I encountered before was my own fault, I had added another internal hard drive to my system between last using the U1 and updating it so it could write. This changed the drive letter assigned by Windows to my U1, and I didn't realize this, and frankly, the error message didn't clue me in, either.

So now with that fixed, I have no problem using Vegas XDCAM Explorer to write clips to the U1, as long as they are clips that were recorded in my camcorder from other Professional Discs that are now on my hard drive, NOT Vegas created MXF clips.

The same is true for the PDZ-1 DirectMode software. It has no problem taking MXF clips from my hard drive and putting them on the Professional Disc.

BUT, when I render out a MXF in Vegas in the same exact format, Vegas can't verify the clip after it writes it to the U1, and the clip isn't on the disc in the U1 when I look.

This same clip, if I try to transfer it to the Professional Disc with the PDZ-1 DirectMode software will NOT transfer to the U1.

So, it doesn't look to me like it is a transfer problem in Vegas as much as a not perfectly valid MXF file being generated by Vegas. Vegas reads the file fine, but the U1 doesn't like it.

This may be where the problem lies. I haven't tried writing back files directly to the camcorder via firewire that were rendered from Vegas, does that work?

Renaming the disc works fine from Vegas through the U1. Though I also noticed even for clips that can be written to the U1 from Vegas, free form naming is not supported, they all end up C*, while with the PDZ-1 DirectMode transfer, the free form names work fine.

Scott Richardson
August 31st, 2008, 04:43 AM
I can't get vegas 8.0b & the pdw-u1 to work with the vision from the pdw700, i'm told that when ver 8.0c is released it will work, what is Sony waiting for? We've bought the cameras and shot the jobs but can't edit the vision.

Eugene Kosarovich
September 12th, 2008, 11:29 PM
The 8.0c upgrade that was released yesterday fixes all the U1 problems that Uli and I both experienced, and it adds support for the PDW-700's modes.

Try it, you'll like it. :)

Eugene Kosarovich
September 19th, 2008, 02:14 PM
OK, well, the good news is that Vegas Pro 8.0c does fix the XDCAM HD issues I mentioned above, in terms of bringing XDCAM HD in via the U1 and adding PDW-700 modes.

But, don't throw away your Vegas Pro 8.0b installer.

Unfortunately, I've found that "c" breaks XDCAM SD DVCAM MXF audio playback beyond 17 minutes 40 seconds and 8 frames. After that your audio will flatline, except for random spikes that will also cause picture breakup.

I've had to move back to Vegas Pro 8.0b till there's a fix.

Eugene Kosarovich
September 29th, 2008, 09:43 PM
SCS has confirmed this bug, I'll let you all know when there's a fix.